

Nanaimo Cycling Map

Find your way around Nanaimo by bike with the Digital Cycling Map App.

Do you have thoughts or ideas for how we could make the cycling map even better? Have your say at GetInvolvedNanaimo.

Bike Theft Prevention with Project 529 Garage

529 Garage is a website and app where you can register your bike to protect against bike theft. If your bike is stolen, the registered information will help authorities find and return your bike to you.

Sign up for an account to register your bike here

Download the 529 mobile app here

Bike Shields

Project 529 shields act as a license plate or decal for your bike. Each shield has its own code.

If your bike is ever stolen, it will make it easier for both the cycling community and the police identify your stolen bike and return it to you.

Where to get a shield:

GobyBike Weeks

Since 1997, Nanaimo cyclists have enjoyed some friendly competition during GoByBike weeks (formerly Bike to Work Week). GoByBike events now take place 2-3 times each year.

Interested in joining the fun? Check out the Nanaimo GoByBike website to register, join or start a team, and for more details on the next GoByBike event.

Bikes and Transit

Check out BC Transit’s webpage to learn how to use bike racks on buses here.

Check out the Digital Cycling Map to find locations of bike parking near your transit stop.

Bicycle Parking

Many community members feel that safe and secure bike parking options are key to their decision of whether or not to ride their bike for transportation purposes.

Bike Racks

Check out the Nanaimo Cycling Map App to see the location of bike racks throughout the city. Note that the map does not include all bike rack locations on private property, and is not updated automatically to include new and removed bike racks on public property. 

Secure Bike Parking

The new City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined includes policies that encourage development of convenient and secure bicycle parking in Urban Centres, along Corridors, and at key destinations.

Have ideas you’re dying to share right now? Email

Bike Valet at Special Events

In 2022, the City of Nanaimo offered a Bike Valet service at a number of City-run events, including Canada Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Planning on attending a City of Nanaimo event? Check to see if a bike valet will be there, and plan to leave the car at home.

Check out this video on how bike valets work: The Bicycle Valet at Your Event - YouTube

Bike Rack Program for Businesses

The City of Nanaimo provides small grants for businesses interested in installing bike racks. Please contact us at if you're interested. 

Electric Bikes (E-Bikes)

E-bikes are a great transportation option in our long and hilly city.

To encourage more people to use E-bikes, the Province of British Columbia offers funding options to help with E-bike purchases:

Because E-bikes are much faster and heavier than traditional bicycles, it is important to consider E-bike etiquette. Check out suggestions from BCAA on how to be a courteous E-bike user.

Key Infrastructure Projects

Below are links to information on high profile new cycling projects in Nanaimo. For up-to-date information on all completed and in-progress transportation infrastructure projects in Nanaimo, visit the projects directory

Notice road construction and wonder what’s happening? Visit What’s Building in Nanaimo to find out.

Planning for Cycling

The City of Nanaimo uses two key documents to guide cycling facility planning and design:

The Transportation Master Plan, City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined

This document contains the policies, targets, and maps that guide Nanaimo’s city planning, including planning for new cycling infrastructure projects. 

A few highlights:

  • City Plan includes a target to multiply Nanaimoites’ cycling trips five times by the year 2041.
  • Schedule 3 shows a map of Nanaimo’s future active mobility network.
  • The plan prioritizes new cycling infrastructure within “Urban Centres”, and supports efficient, centralized cycling connections between Urban Centres.

The Manual of Engineering Standards and Specifications 

This document guides the design and construction of all new City of Nanaimo civil engineering projects, and this includes new cycling facilities.

A few highlights:

  • In 2020, Nanaimo City Council adopted the City’s first “Complete Streets” road design standards 
  • Each street in Nanaimo is designated with a “street type” (e.g. Mobility Arterial, Urban Collector, Lane, Urban Local etc.). The MOESS includes ideal road “cross sections” for each street type. Cross sections show the various road elements that should be included in each street type, including the type of cycling facilities.

Cyclists of Nanaimo

We are trying to break down cyclist stereotypes by sharing unique stories about why people choose to Cycle In Nanaimo. Let us know a little bit about your cycling journey so that we can share it with the rest of Nanaimo and prove that cyclists don’t just wear spandex and zip around on fast bikes!

We want to know more about your cycling. Let us know why you ride and share a picture of you and your bike.

Link to form

Last updated: January 29, 2025

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