
The City provides grant funding under a number of programs. Please note this is not an exhaustive list of grants available in the community and we encourage you to explore other available options.


Name Audience Description Submission Deadline
Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant Organizations and individuals applying for funding must be proposing a project that primarily serves Nanaimo residents and is located within the City of Nanaimo boundaries The purpose of the Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant is to support small and creative environmental projects not already covered by existing City of Nanaimo grants - including the Community Watershed Restoration Grant. 2025-04-04 16:00
Community Program Development Grant Community groups The City of Nanaimo wants to work with community groups and partners to seed new or expanded programs that increase opportunities for residents to participate and connect in the community. See Details
Community Watershed Restoration Grant Eligible community organizations, environmental non-profits, or individual residents that aim to carry out watershed restoration projects The Community Watershed Restoration Grant supports community environmental restoration projects that help to implement the goals of the City Plan and improve livability in our community. 2025-04-04 16:00
Heritage Building Tax Exemption Heritage building owners Heritage Building Tax Exemptions (up to 10 years in length) have two main goals - to encourage new downtown residential units in existing heritage buildings and to preserve heritage buildings in the downtown core. See Details
Heritage Façade Grant Heritage Building Owners Heritage Facade Grants provide funds up to $10,000 per facade facing on to a city street) to encourage the rehabilitation and enhancement of heritage buildings located in the City's downtown core. See Details
Heritage Home Grant Heritage Homeowners Heritage Home Grants encourage homeowners of heritage buildings to fix up and maintain their historic homes. See Details
Other Grants Other Grants is a broad category that encompasses all types of Community services that are provided by Non-Profit Organizations. The City of Nanaimo maintains an annual program to award civic grant funding to eligible non-profit organizations operating in the City of Nanaimo. See Details
Security Check Fee Grants Security Check grants are awarded to organizations that must have security checks performed by the RCMP on their employees and/or volunteers and must meet the criteria specified below. Each year, Nanaimo City Council sets aside funding to help cover the cost of security check fees for eligible community organizations. See Details
Travel Assistance Grant Amateur groups and individuals The City of Nanaimo runs a Travel Assistance Grant Program to help amateur groups and individuals to travel to regional, national or international championships. See Details


Name Audience Description
Culture Operating Grant Organizations The City of Nanaimo recognizes the vital contribution of arts and culture activities to the City's economic and social progress; the value of artistic and cultural expression; and enjoyment of life by its citizens.
Culture Project Grant culture and heritage organizations Culture Project Grants assist culture and heritage organizations to realize projects that benefit our community and contribute to the cultural, social and economic vitality of Nanaimo.
Downtown Event Revitalization Funding Organizations Supports events and initiatives which attract residents and visitors to downtown.
Neighbourhood Association Grant Program Neighbourhood Associations To assist recognized neighbourhood associations with costs for operational needs and community events
Permissive Tax Exemptions Local authority, independent school, place of worship, charitable, philanthropic, or other not-for-profit organization, athletic or service club or association, or a community care facility A Permissive Tax Exemption (PTE), pursuant to Section 224 of the Community Charter, is a means for Council to support organizations within the community that further Council's strategic goals and objectives.
Social Planning Grants A non-profit society incorporated under the BC Provincial Societies Act or federally designated as a registered charity; a recognized religious group with activities and a congregation; or, a neighbourhood association recognized by the municipality The Social Planning Grant program strives to encourage "a caring, healthy, accessible, inclusive, and safe community that empowers its community to realize their aspirations."


Name Audience Description
Nanaimo Youth Resilience Grant Established non-profit organizations, public sector entities or government bodies with experience working with youth Address community safety through the Building Safer Communities Fund.

Non-City Grants

Last updated: March 24, 2025

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