The Bowen Park Pottery Studio has the tools, equipment and supplies available for the public to work independently. Children, when accompanied by an adult, are welcome (both must register). Teens who have taken a pottery class are welcome to work independently on projects. No instruction, but some guidance, is provided during the drop-in times. Clay may be purchased for $35 (including tax) per 22 pound bag and includes all firing and glazing fees. It must be purchased during office hours Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4:30 pm in person or over the phone. Drop in cost is $14 per session. Harbour City Seniors Members can access the starred *drop in sessions for $7 per session. Dress for mess; aprons are not provided.
(closed on all statutory holidays)
9:30 am-12:30 PM | 12-3 PM* | 2:30-5:30 PM* | 1-4 PM* & 5-8 PM | 12-3 PM* & 4-7 PM | CLOSED | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM |
*if you are over the age of 60, you can join the Harbour City Seniors and take part in several programs for a nominal fee. For more information, please call 250-755-7501 or see their newsletter.
$14 per session or $7 during the (*) sessions for members of the Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors.
Register at recreation.nanaimo.ca or through the widget below. You must have an account with us in order to register online.
Each season, we offer a variety of pottery classes. Be sure to check our current Activity Guide for all the details.
- Handbuilding for Children
- Pottery Wheel - Teen & Adult
- Pottery Wheel Beginner
- Pottery Wheel Intermediate
- Various Pottery Workshops
Register at recreation.nanaimo.ca
- If you’d like to take an unfinished project home or some clay, it must be signed out (ask staff about sign out sheet).
- If you want to use commercial glazes or underglazes in the studio, you must show the bottles to studio staff so they can confirm it is compatible with our firings.
- No sanding is allowed inside the studio.
- It can take projects 2 weeks per firing to get through (1 month total to be complete).
- Plan ahead! If you need something done by a certain date, it is your responsibility to start it early enough.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the studio clean. You must wash all of your tools and work areas until there is no clay left. Clay dust in high quantities is harmful to your health.
- If you’ve never glazed at Bowen, please ask a staff member for help.
- Projects made at other studios will not be fired at Bowen.
- Clay used in the Bowen Pottery Studio must be purchased here at Bowen between 9 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday either in person or over the phone.
Last updated: December 31, 2024
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