The City recognizes excellence in a variety of fields. Check out the list below to see if you or someone you know is eligible.
Name | Audience | Description |
Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts & Culture Merit Awards | Parks and Recreation Leaders | Recognition for outstanding achievement in sports or arts and culture |
Emerging Cultural Leader Award | Individuals under 30 years of age who have contributed significantly to the cultural life in Nanaimo. | This award recognizes up-and-coming, Nanaimo-based cultural leaders. |
Excellence in Culture Award | An organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition and is recognized as a “Nanaimo artist" | This award is presented to an organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition and is recognized as a "Nanaimo artist", demonstrating excellence in their field, and a significant inspiration to others. |
Freedom of the City | Resident of Nanaimo | Honours someone with a lifetime of achievement who has enhanced the livability of the city or who has gained national and international acclaim and who has brought recognition to Nanaimo through their achievements. |
Green Nanaimo Awards | Individuals, local businesses, schools and non-profit groups throughout Nanaimo | Every two years, we recognize individuals, local businesses, schools and non-profit groups throughout Nanaimo that make valuable contributions to the City's environment. |
Heritage Building Rehabilitation Award | Building Owners | Heritage Building Rehabilitation Awards recognizes efforts made by property owners to conserve and rehabilitate Nanaimo's registered heritage buildings |
Honour in Culture Award | An individual, group or corporation who demonstrates outstanding support, advocacy, promotion or interpretation of Nanaimo’s arts culture and history | This award recognizes an individual, group or corporation who demonstrates outstanding support, advocacy, promotion or interpretation of Nanaimo's arts culture and history. |
Honour in Heritage Award | An individual, group or corporation known for their dedication to and support of the development of Nanaimo's cultural fabric | This award acknowledges an individual, group or corporation known for their dedication to and support of the development of Nanaimo's cultural fabric. |
John Thomson Heritage Memorial Award | Individuals who demonstrate outstanding lifetime heritage service and dedication to the community | The John Thomson Heritage Memorial Award honours individuals who demonstrate outstanding lifetime heritage service and dedication to the community. |
Patron/Companion of the City | Resident of Nanaimo who demonstrates outstanding achievement and selfless volunteerism | Patron of the City award recognizes outstanding achievement and selfless volunteerism |
Last updated: November 13, 2024
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