Fast Track Building Permit Program
Welcome to the Fast Track Building Permit program page. Please watch the video and read the following sections thoroughly as incomplete and/or erroneous submissions will be cancelled.
Application for a Fast Track Building Permit
We have created a new, streamlined tenant improvement permitting process for landlords, tenants, builders, and architects.
This program has been created to move simple Tenant Improvement permit applications through the permitting process in as little as 15 business days.
Please note: The success of this new program is largely dependent on your understanding of what fits into the stream as well as the submission of a complete application.
What qualifies for the Fast Track program?
The Fast Track Building Permit program process is intended for Tenant Improvement applications that are within the same tenant space. Change of Use permits will not be considered for the Fast Track program.
All tenant improvements are eligible for the Fast Track Building Permit program with the following exceptions:
- Tenant Improvements within Group A, Group B, or Group F (Division 1) Occupancies
The following alterations may be considered for the Fast Track Building Permit program at the discretion of the Building Official reviewing the application:
- Shell building fit outs/new units
- Change in size to the CRU (moving a demising wall)
- Creating a new CRU
What are the Fast Track steps?
The Fast Track Building Permit Application Checklist provides a detailed outline of the typical requirements for a building permit application that fits within the Fast Track Building Permit program. It is important you review the checklist thoroughly and complete all requirements before applying for a Fast Track permit.
- Once an application has been made, a meeting is required to ensure the application is complete and meets the criteria of the Fast Track Building Permit program. You will be contacted by the City within 5 business days to book the meeting.
- Once your application has been accepted, staff may request small adjustments or clarifications if needed. We will endeavor to issue a permit within 15 business days.
Please note: Incomplete applications and applications that do not fit within the Fast Track Building Permit program parameters will be cancelled. A reapplication to the appropriate permit stream will be required.
Fast Track Building Permit program documents
Please download and complete the following forms. These forms MUST be downloaded each time you submit an application to ensure you are working from the most current version:
- Fast Track Building Permit Application Checklist - Complete and submit this form as part of the Fast Track Building Permit application
- Fast Track Building Code Analysis - Complete and submit this form as part of the Fast Track Building Permit application
- Fast Track Planning Review Request - Please note: A response from the City of Nanaimo Planning department is required PRIOR to submitting a Fast Track Building Permit application as you will need the CIB# provided by the Planning department in order to complete the application checklist.
Fast Track Agreement and Application
Please read and agree to the conditions below to gain access to the Fast Track Building Permit application. Note: Once the box has been checked acknowledging acceptance of the terms and conditions, a link will appear to the application.
I have read all of the above information and qualify for the Fast Track Building Permit program. I understand that if the information I have provided is incomplete or my application does not qualify for the Fast Track Building Permit program that the permit will be cancelled and a reapplication to the appropriate permit stream will be required.
Proceed to Fast Track ApplicationWhat does a building permit cost?
The main portion of the permit fee is based on the value of construction.
Please see the Detailed Guide to Commercial Building Permit Applications (PDF)
How long is a building permit active?
The application remains active for 12 months from application date. Once a permit is issued, it remains active for 2 years, subject to the first inspection being made within 6 months from permit issue date and the construction not being suspended for more than 12 months.
All permits expire 2 years after the date of permit issuance.
It is possible to renew a permit for an additional 2 years (please note: a permit can only be renewed once). Again, construction must not be suspended for more than 12 months (i.e., the process does not begin again).
Gas and electrical permits
Gas and electrical permits are issued by Technical Safety BC.
Technical Safety BC
40 1100 Princess Royal Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5R5
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Building Inspections Section
Last updated: June 20, 2024
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