
The City provides grant funding under a number of programs. Please note this is not an exhaustive list of grants available in the community and we encourage you to explore other available options.

Community Watershed Restoration Grant


Eligible community organizations, environmental non-profits, or individual residents that aim to carry out watershed restoration projects



Cut Off Date

2025-04-04 16:00

The Community Watershed Restoration Grant supports community environmental restoration projects that help to implement the goals of the City Plan and improve livability in our community. Restoration projects may focus on parks, urban stream and riparian enhancement, natural environment protection and climate change adaption solutions.

Eligible community organizations, environmental non-profits, or individual residents that aim to carry out watershed restoration projects focusing on urban stream and riparian restoration enhancement, natural environment protection, and/or climate change adaptation solutions are encouraged to apply for funding. 

The grant application period will be open February 14 until April 7, 2025. An information session will be held Thursday, February 20 at 5 pm. A total of $20,000 in funding will be available in 2025.

Guidelines, Criteria and Application

The grant guidelines and criteria can be found here.  Grant guidelines and criteria provide valuable information for grant applicants regarding the intent of the funds, who is eligible to apply, how much money is available and how the applications will be evaluated.

To apply, please print off this application document, fill out and return.

Frequently Asked Questions

My organization is located outside the City of Nanaimo boundaries. Are we eligible?
Organizations and individuals applying for funding must be proposing a project that primarily serves Nanaimo residents.

Do I need to own the property my proposed project will be on?
Where the proposed project is on land not owned by the applicant, landowner permission is required. This includes property owned by the City of Nanaimo and other levels of government. Individual applicants (not part of a non-profit society or neighbourhood group) must own the property on which the project is proposed. 

I am applying for a development application that will require environmental restoration, can I apply for a grant to support this work?
Proposed development projects that require environmental restoration as a condition of development approval are not eligible for grant funding.

Do I need to have all environmental approvals in place before I apply for the grant?
No. Grant funding may be used for project planning and design studies completed by a qualified professional including but not limited to environmental assessments, restoration plans, site plan or surveys, landscape plans, slope/erosion stabilization study and/or an archeological assessment. As these studies may be needed to obtain necessary approvals, environmental approval is not required before applying for the grant. All necessary landowner, staff and environmental approvals must be obtained prior to any construction or planting work.   

Further Questions?

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