Community Gardens and Food Forests


Community Gardens and Food Forests create a safe and healthy recreational activity within our park system and on other City-owned land. They allow for local food production and can become a gathering place in a neighbourhood. Although there are several gardens and food forests within city limits, Parks, Recreation and Culture currently has seven community gardens and four food forests on public property.

Current community gardens

Beaufort Park Community Garden

This centrally located garden rents allotment plots. Included in the rental is access to a variety of communally maintained plots. Participation in general garden maintenance is expected. Contact:

Beaufort Food Forest

This Food Forest is located in the Hospital District at Beaufort Park and is maintained and watered by a keen group of volunteers who meet regularly on Tuesday and Saturday mornings for work bees. Contact for more information on how to get involved. 

Smugglers Park

This community garden is located on Protection Island and managed by DIGS (Douglas Island Garden Society). Contact Jim Harris at 250-740-0317 or visit

Beban Urban Garden Society (BUGS)

This area is managed by the VIEX. For information, please contact Karen Streeter at or phone 250-758-3247.

Pawson Park

This garden is managed by Nanaimo Old City Association. Please contact

Forest Drive Park

Started in 2013, this group continues to meet on the second Saturday of the month from 10-noon for monthly garden work parties. Please contact Janet at for more information.

Beban Learning Gardens and Green House

This site is managed by the Nanaimo Community Gardens Society.  For more information visit or contact the society at or 250-816-4769 (GROW).

Lost Lake Neighbourhood Community Gardens

Started in 2022 with funds from a Community Vitality Grant. Please email for more information.

South End Ecovillage Development (SEED) Gardens

A number of Food Forests and Community Gardens exist in this neighbourhood.  Bing Kee Food Forest, Bayview Food Forest and Thuthiqut Food Forest are watered and maintained by members of this neighbourhood.   Please contact Michael at for more information. 

How to Start A Community Garden

These gardens were initiated under the City's Partners in Parks Program (PIP). Groups applied for seed money through the PIP Granting Program and facilitate the initial setup of the gardens. Neighbourhoods interested in starting up a community garden in a park or on a piece of underutilized City property should contact the City of Nanaimo at or fill out application form found on the Partners in Parks Program webpage.  Check out our guidelines and Community Gardens Policy for more information.

Other community gardens

Here is a list of community gardens operated by local organizations. 

Other City of Nanaimo facilities and parks

Visit the Nanaimo Facilities Search for information on City facilities.

Visit the Nanaimo Parks Search for information on City parks.


Last updated: February 28, 2025

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