

It's empowering! With the speed and range of bicycle travel, and improvements to our City’s cycling infrastructure, adding e-bikes to our fleet makes more sense now than ever before. This green commuting solution began with the introduction of an e-bike for park and trail inspections in 2019.

Tony riding ebike

Flashback! In 2015, the City introduced the Pedal-Powered Gardening program. 2 bicycles, donated by the RCMP, were equipped with gardening trailers and journeyed between parks for planting and garden maintenance. Ultimately, the limitation on tools and plants that could travel to the gardens were too limiting, but the idea was great and green. In our current state of climate emergency, every pedal counts.

Watch the Pedal Powered Gardeners story from Shaw TV Nanaimo.

eBike in the woods

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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