Home Energy Efficiency Rebates
To reduce energy costs, improve comfort and climate resilience, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? The Province of BC, the Federal Government, and the City of Nanaimo have grants and financing programs to help cover costs. By combining grants, home owners can access up to $11,350 in grants to install a heat pump or improve their home insulation. Even more financing and grant opportunities are available for income qualified households.
Provincial Grants are also available through Clean BC’s Better Home program. Provincial rebates of up to $6,000 are available for home heat (heat pumps and more), hot water, windows, doors, air sealing and insulation improvements. The Province also provides FREE energy saving kits for income qualified households. More savings, financing and rebate opportunities of up to $33,900 are also available to income qualified households.
By applying to Clean BC Better Homes, Nanaimo residents are also eligible for an automatic $350 heat pump rebate, no separate application is required.
Not sure where to start? The City of Nanaimo and the Regional District of Nanaimo have launched the Home Energy Navigator Program. This FREE service connects residents with an Energy Concierge, who will be available throughout your retrofit project to answer questions, provide support, and give local, expert advice and guidance to navigate the complex world of home energy retrofits. This is a great place for residents who want to make their homes more climate friendly or energy efficient but don’t know where to start or just need a hand along the way. To sign up, visit: Regional District of Nanaimo Offers - Home Energy Navigator.
Home Energy Efficiency Rebates
CleanBC Better Homes Rebate
The CleanBC Better Homes Rebate Program is a program coordinated by the Province of BC to accelerate home energy retrofits and reduce energy use by providing incentives for high efficiency heating equipment and building envelope improvements. To help support this effort, the City of Nanaimo is also providing top-up funding.
More information on the CleanBC Better Homes Rebate Program.
City of Nanaimo CleanBC Rebate Top Ups
Important: Municipal top-up rebates are limited, subject to funding availability, and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to program volumes, we cannot guarantee municipal top-ups will be available to homeowners.
The Fuel Switch Heat Pump rebate is for participants that switch from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, or propane) heating system to an electric air-source heat pump. The City of Nanaimo will top-up the rebate by $350. Participants either can install a fully electric heat pump system, or install a dual-fuel heat pump system with back up fossil fuel heating (i.e. a furnace). The City's top-up is in addition to to the heat pump rebates currently on offer through the Clean BC Better Homes Program.
The City of Nanaimo is offering a $500 top-up to the Clean BC Better Homes Program for participants upgrading their electrical service to 100, 200, or 400 amp service, and switching from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, or propane) space, or a water heating system to an electric air-source heat pump or heat pump water heater. This top-up offer is in addition to the heat pump and electric service upgrade rebates currently available through the CleanBC Better Homes Rebate Program.
The City of Nanaimo is offering a $350 top-up available for participants that switch from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, or propane) water heating system to an electric heat pump water heater. This top-up offer is in addition to the heat pump rebates currently available through the CleanBC Better Homes Rebate Program.
Available Financing
Low- Interest Financing Program
The CleanBC Better Homes Low-Interest Financing Program provides loans with a promotional interest rate of 0% for switching from fossil fuel (oil, propane, or natural gas) heating system to a heat pump. Loans are provided by Financeit and accessed via CleanBC Finance Registered Contractors. Applicants can apply for the low-interest financing offer or a rebate, not both.
- Interest rates: 0%
- Loan size: $1,000 – $40,000
- Amortization period: 60 months (5 years)
Canada Greener Homes Grant
In the spring of 2021, the Government of Canada introduced the Canada Green Homes Initiative, which provide the following additional rebates and financing options:
- home energy retrofit grants from $125 to $5,000 to cover some home retrofit costs
- Up to $600 towards the costs of a pre and post retrofit EngerGuide home evaluations
- Interest free loans from $5,000 to $40,000 with a 10 year repayment term
City of Nanaimo Home Energy Assessment Rebate
An EnerGuide Home Energy Assessment helps you identify where energy is used in your home and what energy efficiency upgrades make the most sense for you and your home. The City of Nanaimo is providing Nanaimo homeowners with a rebate for completing an initial Energuide assessment by a registered Energy Advisor. Homeowners that can improve on their initial Energuide rating after completing a follow-up assessment, can receive an additional incentive, up to a maximum of $200 from the City of Nanaimo.
For more information about how to apply for a home energy assessment rebate, visit the How to Receive your Home Energy Assessment Rebate page.
411 Dunsmuir Street
Nanaimo BC V9R 5J6
Last updated: June 20, 2024
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