Cool It! Climate Leadership Training Program

The Cool It! Climate Leadership Training program is delivered by the BC Sustainable Energy Association to schools across BC to develop and empower young sustainability champions in grades 4 to 5 and high school.  Nanaimo City Council has committed funding to support participation in the BC Sustainable Energy Association's (BCSEA) Cool It! Climate Leadership Training Program for Nanaimo school students.

Classroom students participate in interactive workshops and games to support discussion and build on knowledge of climate change. Following the workshop, students work on a four-week Cool It! challenge that encourages families to make important changes to their energy consumption.

If you are a school or teacher in the City of Nanaimo, and are interested in participating in the program, please contact us at  If you’re unable to participate in the program but would love a way to incorporate climate change into your classroom, the BCSEA has resources available for all to use.

Media Releases:

Mayor visits winning classroom

Cool It! Year One

Cool It! Coming to Nanaimo Schools



Last updated: February 3, 2025

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