Print and fill out this Leap Form to apply or apply online using the form below.

The City of Nanaimo LEAP program supports families in financial need to access Parks, Recreation and Culture programs and services.
- 50 free admissions per year per person for drop-in swimming, skating, weight rooms and drop-in gymnasium programs per year
- 50% off registered programs (maximum up to $40) for all family members up to four times per year per person
- Free admission to Nanaimo Art Gallery and Nanaimo Museum
- Resident of City of Nanaimo, District of Lantzville or Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Areas A, B or C
- There are now 6 different ways to prove financial need in order to qualify for LEAP:
1. I receive Income Assistance (or disability assistance) from the Province of BC or Government of Canada | Show confirmation of assistance at the front desk with your application form, such as MHSD stub; notice of deposit; or benefit statement (recent within the last 3 months). |
2. I receive Seniors GIS benefits from the Federal Government | Show confirmation letter from Service Canada or cheque stub at the front desk with your application form. |
3. I am a CLBC client and am approved for their support | Bring in proof of CLBC support to show at the front desk along with your completed application form. |
4. I am a Child or Youth in Care | Please have your social worker or guardianship worker contact us directly to have LEAP passes issues for CYIC at registration@nanaimo.ca |
5. I am a Newcomer/Refugee entering Canada through the refugee protection (asylum), a refugee sponsorship agreement or resettlement assistance program (RAP). | Show emergency travel documents, such as CUAET (Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel) or RAP agreement at the front desk with your application form.** |
6. None of the above apply | Attach your Notice of Assessment from prior tax year for each adult in the family with your application form online at www.nanaimo.ca or in person at the front desk* |
*To qualify for LEAP with a Notice of Assessment, the family household income must be below the Statistics Canada Low Income Guidelines (see able below).
** To quality for LEAP as a Newcomber/Refugee entering Canada, this type of qualification is only applicable one time. After that, applicants must re-apply using their Notice of Assessment.
Please note: Post secondary students are not eligible for LEAP.
Number of People in Household | Annual Household Income |
1 | $23,696 |
2 | $29,498 |
3 | $36,265 |
4 | $44,031 |
5 | $49,938 |
6 | $56,323 |
7 | $62,707 |
CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART PROGRAM (not part of the LEAP program; funding is through Canadian Tire Jumpstart)
Apply for funding through the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program. Your child may be eligible for up to $600 per year in funding. Apply for the Jumpstart program today. (Please note that this application on this web page is for LEAP and not an application for the Jumpstart program. The Jumpstart program is a separate application process not managed by the City of Nanaimo.)
Last updated: March 25, 2025
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