City of Nanaimo Projects

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Title and Summary Category Status Start Date End date

Amenity Cost Charge Bylaw Project

Amenity Cost Charges (ACCs) help a municipality recover the costs of amenities that provide social, cultural, heritage, recreational, or environmental benefits to a community. 

Woodgrove Area Plan

The Woodgrove Area Plan will provide detailed land use and policy guidance for future development to remove constraints, coordinate infrastructure, and identify amenity needs. 

Rent Supplements

Rent supplements are support payments to renters that bridge the gap between what an individual or family can afford to pay and what the actual cost of housing is.

Commercial Street Improvements - Wharf to Church Street

This page provides information about the first phase of construction of the Design Commercial project.
Category: Engineering

Bradley Street Traffic Calming

Category: Transportation

Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing

The Province of British Columbia has passed new legislation, Bill 44 – Housing Statutes Amendment Act 2023, requiring local governments to update zoning bylaws to allow Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) on any lots currently zoned for a single family home or duplex by June 30, 2024. 

Transit-Oriented Areas

The Province of British Columbia has passed new legislation, Bill 47 – Transit Oriented Areas Amendment Act to establish transit-supported densities adjacent to transit exchanges. Three transit exchanges in Nanaimo are subject Transit Oriented Areas: Woodgrove, Country Club & VIU. 



The Ministry of Housing has identified the City of Nanaimo as a priority community to participate in the Provincial programs Homeless Encampment Action Response Team (HEART); and Homeless Encampment Action Response Temporary Housing (HEARTH).
Category: Planning

Downtown Transit Exchange



South Downtown Waterfront - 1 Port Drive

The City of Nanaimo acquired the lands at 1 Port Drive from CP Rail in March 2013
Category: Planning

Nanaimo Waterfront Walkway

In December 2017, Nanaimo City Council endorsed the Nanaimo Waterfront Walkway Implementation Plan which outlines how the waterfront walkway can be upgraded and expanded from Departure Bay to the Nanaimo River Estuary.

Category: Engineering

Nanaimo Region Rent Bank

A rent bank is an eviction prevention and housing stability service that provides interest free loans to low-to-moderate income renter households facing eviction or in need of assistance to pay essential utilities because of a short-term financial crisis.


The Monitoring Strategy will be a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined and the Integrated Action Plan, and is designed to assess the overall progress towards achieving City Plan's Nanaimo Framework. The Framework includes the Five City Goals: Green, Connected, Healthy, Empowered, & Prosperous.

Category: Planning

6 Commercial Street Expression of Interest

The City of Nanaimo has issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) to gauge interest in the redevelopment of the former Jean Burns property at 6 Commercial Street. Council is keen to see this high profile site brought back into productive use.
Category: Planning


Implementation of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined is supported by two key documents, an Integrated Action Plan and a Monitoring Strategy. The  Integrated Action Plan is designed to communicate a range of key actions the City of Nanaimo is already doing on an ongoing basis as well as actions to be prioritized as “Immediate” to be done in the next four years or “Future” beyond four years.  The Integrated Action Plan is intended to be reviewed and updated regularly and aligned with capital plans and budgets to ensure that actions are coordinated and reflect Council priorities to achieve City Plan Goals.
Category: Planning

Nanaimo Acute Response Table

The City of Nanaimo is working with community partners to develop a Situation Table (table) that consists of a multi-agency team focused on addressing specific situations where the probability of a vulnerable person or family experiencing harm is imminent, significant and cuts across multiple human service sectors. The table serves vulnerable individuals or families in situations of acutely elevated risk where risk prevention cannot be addressed by a single agency alone. Agencies at the table work collaboratively and rapidly to connect individuals and families to services before they experience a traumatic event.
Category: Planning

Nanaimo BMX Race Track Redevelopment

Category: Parks

Nanaimo Youth Resilience Strategy

The City of Nanaimo is working to address gun and gang violence in partnership with Public Safety Canada through the Building Safer Communities Fund.  The City of Nanaimo has been allocated $1.8 million over the next four years to develop and implement a strategy that will prevent gun and gang violence in Nanaimo.

The Strategy was endorsed by Council at its regular Council meeting on May 1st, 2023. The City is working to develop a three year contribution agreement with Public Safety Canada.

For all Strategy documents, see below.

Category: Planning

Midtown Gateway Project

The Midtown Gateway Project is transforming a legacy brownfield site impacted by past industrial activity into a revitalized neighbourhood gateway. It features new complete street transportation corridors, a new naturalized storm water wetland with public walking trails, and enhanced access to our premier recreation complex - Beban Park.
Category: Engineering
08/22/2022 12/31/2024

Fifth Street Complete Street

The Fifth Street Complete Street project aims to increase the safety and comfort for people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive along this corridor. This project will see the continuation of on-street cycling facilities between the Downtown Mobility Hub and Vancouver Island University Mobility Hub, which is the City's largest cycling destination.

At this time, the construction of the corridor has been postponed, but the signalization of the Fifth Street and Bruce Avenue intersection was completed in December 2023.

Category: Engineering

Mobility, Accessibility and Safety Improvement Projects

A variety of small-scale mobility, accessibility, and safety improvements around the City.
Category: Transportation
09/01/2018 12/31/2020

Third Street - Utility & Complete Street Upgrades

This project is designed to enhance the safety and comfort of pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and drivers, while simultaneously carrying out utility upgrades that align with the planned improvements to the surface infrastructure.
Category: Engineering

Public Works Yard Updates (Nanaimo Operations Centre)

To address the long-standing and increasingly unsustainable health, safety, environmental and operational shortcomings of the site in a fiscally responsible manner.
Category: Facilities

Midtown Water Supply Upgrades

The Midtown Water Supply Project is an important multi-year / multi-phase major water infrastructure upgrade project that will serve the community for generations and will provide resiliency in the City's core water supply network.

Category: Engineering

Bowen Park Creatures Art Project

This art project explores and celebrates Bowen Park, inviting curiosity about the life and relationships in the park– plant, animal, and human. 
Category: Arts and Culture

The Georgia Greenway "Slow Street"

Phase 1 of the Georgia Greenway project was completed in 2019. The multi-year phased project is now underway will extend the Georgia Greenway from Fourth Street to Eighth Street by introducing several "Slow Street" measures including a reduced speed limit, traffic calming features, and cycling improvements. 
Category: Transportation
07/01/2020 04/15/2024

Lost Lake Road Traffic Calming

Category: Transportation
05/04/2020 12/31/2023


REIMAGINE NANAIMO represents an engagement process that involved thousands of inputs from the community, interested and affected agencies and organizations including government-to-government engagement with Snuneymuxw First Nation. City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined, the City’s strategic planning document for the coming 25 years, is a result of that engagement process. 

Category: Planning

Harewood Centennial Playground Improvements

In 2010, City Council adopted an improvement plan for Harewood Centennial Park to ensure that the outdated park amenities were improved to meet the recreational needs and desires of the changing community
Category: Parks

Te'tuxwtun Project (Fifth Street Properties)

The purpose of the Te’tuxwtun Project is for the Knowledge Partners to explore opportunities for joint development and partnership on all three properties. It is the Knowledge Partners’ intention to enhance the community through housing, services and amenities. The Te’tuxwtun Project, built on the teachings of the land, is envisioned to provide the foundation to both protect and improve the quality of life for all present and future community members.

Priorities for the project include:

  • New affordable rental housing
  • A new location for the Learning Alternatives school district program
  • Culture, parks and recreation services
  • Other community services identified through the planning process, such as health services and childcare


Snuneymuxw First Nation will guide the growth and development of the three properties, bringing a wealth of cultural knowledge to the project. 

Category: Planning

Linley Valley Park Planning

With the addition of 20.2 hectares (50 acres) added in May 2018 located off of Tanya Drive, a planning process for Linley Valley Park will be undertaken.
Category: Parks

Beban Park Master Plan Update

In 2015, a master plan update process was completed to ensure that this park campus meets the current and future recreational needs of the community
Category: Parks

Harewood Centennial Park Improvements

In 2010, City Council adopted an improvement plan for Harewood Centennial Park to ensure that the outdated park amenities were improved to meet the recreational needs and desires of the changing community
Category: Parks

Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan Update

The City of Nanaimo is working to further improve Maffeo Sutton Park.
Category: Parks

Last updated: February 19, 2025

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