Community Woodsmoke Reduction Program


**New in 2024 - All applicants must complete a mandatory Provincial Survey**


Woodstove Change-Out Program Brochure

The Woodstove Exchange Program is designed to encourage residents of Nanaimo to change out their older, smoky wood stoves for low-emission appliances including new CSA-/EPA-certified clean-burning wood stoves, electric fireplace inserts or heat pumps.

The key goals of this program are:

  • Improve air quality by providing incentives to change out old smoky wood stoves with cleaner burning options.
  • Provide education on clean burning techniques through the Burn it Smart website, brochures and social media posts.

Rebate Amount

  • $400 - Electric Insert (replacing existing non-EPA certified woodstove)
  • $600 - EPA or CSA B415.1 compliant woodstove
  • $1,000 - EPA or CSA B415.1 compliant Pellet Stove


How to Qualify

Step 1 - Check your existing stove

You must have an existing wood burning appliance (or a non-EPA insert installed in an open hearth fireplace) that does not conform to CSA B415.1 standards (typically an appliance built and installed before 1994).

Appliances eligible for the rebate:

  • A free-standing, non-EPA certified "stove", a homemade or barrel stove.
  • A so-called "airtight" non-EPA certified fireplace insert or tube-type heat exchanger with a face plate and door (like the Free Heat Machine or Welenco) that is currently installed in an open hearth fireplace.
  • A non-EPA certified "wood furnace" (ducted, forced air, home heating appliance) - may only be replaced by an EPA certified wood furnace or pellet furnace.
  • A wood burning cook stove.

Appliances NOT eligible for the rebate:

  • Natural gas residential heating appliances.
  • Propane residential heating appliances.
  • Electric stoves or fireplaces (replacement electric inserts are allowed).
  • Factory built (“zero clearance”) fireplaces.
  • Wood cook stoves - Cook stoves are EPA exempt therefore are not covered by this program.
  • Outdoor appliances (replacement unit must be installed in an area with 4 walls, ceiling and a door).
  • Tin heaters/tent stoves - something NOT used in a residential application.

Step 2 - Shop

Contact any of the participating retailers to seek advice on a low-emission heating appliance to purchase. Many of the retailers are offering additional discounts and rebates at the same time. If you are purchasing a heat pump, be sure to apply for an additional rebate with CleanBC.  Upon purchase of your new appliance, you will be given a rebate voucher from the retailer. This form will need to be signed by the retailer at the time of sale and installation, and by either participating retailers or the RDN landfill / transfer station staff when the old unit is sent in for recycling. Most insurance companies require notification if you are installing a new heating appliance. The value of the rebates cannot exceed the value of the appliance.

If you find a suitable electric insert from a retailer not listed, please contact the Program Coordinator for guidance on the next steps. (Phone 250-755-4491 | Email

Are you a resident of the RDN? Visit the Regional District of Nanaimo for information on a program in your area.

Step 3 - Disposal

Your old stove must be deactivated and recycled.  Your participating retailer can do this for you or you can drop off your old woodstove at one of the approved disposal locations listed below.  Upon disposal, your voucher will be signed off OR you will be given a receipt, which will provide proof of destruction. This receipt should be attached to your signed rebate voucher.

Approved disposal Locations:
  • RDN Landfill, 1105 Cedar Road, Nanaimo (250-722-2044)
  • RDN Church Road Transfer Station, 860 Church Road, Parksville (250-248-5254)

Step 4 - Survey

Complete mandatory Provincial survey:  Provincial Survey - Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program

Step 5 - Form Drop Off

Drop off your completed 2024 Rebate Form (pdf) and the before and after images of the woodstove to the front counter at 411 Dunsmuir Street (Service and Resource Centre).  The City of Nanaimo will pay from $400 to $1,500 upon proof of purchase and installation of a new eligible electric heat pump or EPA 2020 or SCA B415.1 emission-certified wood stove, pellet stove, or electric fireplace if all program conditions are met.

It is the responsibility of the voucher holder to ensure that the terms below have been verified.

A cheque will be issued ONLY upon receipt of the following:

  • Completion of the Provincial Survey
  • Fully completed voucher checklist (including signatures and dates where required)
  • Purchase receipt marked “paid in full”
  • Photo of existing appliance
  • Photo of newly installed appliance
  • Proof/receipt from landfill or retailer of decommissioned old woodstove


Woodstove Change-Out Program Brochure

Last updated: January 29, 2025

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