Toilet Rebate

Save your money by saving water with City of Nanaimo's Toilet Replacement Program.

NEW Toilet rebates for 2025 are now eligible for a $75 rebate instead of the previously offered $50. This new rebate applies to all rebates with receipts after December 31, 2024.

Get money back, save on your water bill, and reduce water usage through the toilet replacement program.

Many older residential buildings are equipped with toilets that require 13 litres or larger per flush. New high-efficiency toilets require only 4.8 litres per flush (toilets with a dual-flush cycle of 4.1 litres or less and 6.0 litres also qualify). By switching, you could use up to one third less water! That could save more than 200 litres per day, or 80,000 litres per year.

For a limited time, the City of Nanaimo is offering a lifetime maximum of two (2) rebates per single family dwelling or two (2) per apartment. This now allows owners of legal multi-unit residential properties additional rebate opportunities. Note that this does not apply to suites in single family dwellings. Toilets using 13 litres or more, replaced with a CSA-approved new low-flow model, will give you a rebate of $75 each applied to your City user rate account.

If your property is within the Nanaimo city limits and you are connected to the City's sewer or water system, download a copy of the Toilet Rebate Application or pick one up from the Service and Resource Centre at 411 Dunsmuir Street, and mail or drop off your completed application, with all required receipts, to the Service and Resource Centre. See the application for complete details.

Note that funding is limited and applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds are exhausted.

Toilet Rebate Application (PDF)
If you need an application form for 2024, please email

Toilet Recycling Locations

Regional Landfill
1105 Cedar Road
Phone: 250-722-2044

D.B.L. Disposal Services
333 Tenth Street
Phone: 250-751-8923 

Milner Recycling
4299 Biggs Road
Phone: 250-756-0773

Last updated: January 10, 2025

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