Building News and Alerts

BC Building Code changes take effect March 10, 2025

The 2024 BC Building Code is available to view here: 2024 British Columbia Building Code

The new  provisions include adaptable-dwelling requirements and seismic design, coming into effect on Monday, March 10, 2025, with adaptable-dwelling requirements being gradually implemented.

Information bulletin from the Building and Safety Standards Branch:

Re: Adaptable-dwelling, seismic
provisions take effect March 10, 2025

I am writing to inform you that the Province has updated the Ministerial Order adopting the 2024 edition of the British Columbia Building Code (BCBC) with adaptable-dwelling requirements being gradually implemented. An information bulletin announcing the amendments is available on BC Gov news.

The amendment revises the application of the adaptable dwelling unit provisions to one of every five dwelling units in large apartment buildings and one of every five dwelling units on the first floor of small apartment buildings effective March 10, 2025.

Protection for in-stream projects remains in place until March 8, 2027.

To download a free copy of the BC Codes 2024 and the amending Order including the code change convenience copy, please visit the Building and Safety Standards’ website.

The Building and Safety Standards Branch is continuing to work with partners to develop and deliver educational events and materials. Please check our website regularly to access up-to-date code resources and technical bulletins, including the new technical bulletin on the Application of the Adaptable Dwelling Unit Provisions in the 2024 BC Building Code B25-01.

To support implementation of the BC Building Codes 2024, we have published an Illustrative Design Guide which provides design solutions to support implementation. This guide is intended to be a complementary resource to the Space and Cost Impact Report Study.

Further consultations with the accessibility community and industry will take place in 2026 as the ministry reviews the model 2025 National Code requirements.

Please share this information as appropriate within your organization.

Zachary May
Executive Director
Building and Safety Standards Branch
Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs


Housing Minister's Order extends the effective date of the earthquake design and adaptability provisions of the BC Building Code until March 8, 2027


The new Building Code is available to view here: 2024 British Columbia Building Code

Exceptions to this implementation of the 2024 BC Building Code include Subsection 3.8.5., Subsection 4.1.8., Section 9.23. and Appendix C of Division B of the 2024 BC Building Code; implementation is delayed until the effective date of March 8, 2027.

Order of the Minister of Housing – Province of British Columbia to Extend the effective date of the earthquake design and adaptability provisions of the BC Building Code 2018 to March 8, 2027

 The Code requirements prior to the implementation date for these subsections and sections are found in the current 2018 BC Building Code.

The Province has updated the Ministerial Order adopting the 2024 edition of the British Columbia Building Code.

 The amended Order exempts in-stream projects that had substantial design work completed according to the 2018 BC Building Code from the application of the 2024 BC Building Code’s adaptable dwelling unit and seismic requirements until March 8, 2027, provided that certain criteria are met. The change helps avoid potential construction delays, additional costs, and impact on project feasibility if buildings designed to the 2018 BC Building Code need to be redesigned to meet the 2024 requirements.

 In-stream projects are projects for which: 

  • a development permit application and drawings have been submitted to a local authority in relation to the building before March 8, 2024, or,
  • a rezoning application and drawings have been submitted to a local authority in relation to the building before March 8, 2024, or,
  • drawings have been prepared before March 8, 2024.


 In-stream projects must apply for a building permit before March 8, 2027, under the 2018 Code’s adaptable dwelling unit and seismic requirements, when the exemption expires. This change provides certainty for developers that have ongoing projects and helps prevent delays and additional costs associated with potential re-design.

 Any project that does not meet the criteria for an exemption and applies for a building permit on or after March 10, 2025, must comply with the entire BC Building Code 2024, including the adaptable dwelling unit and seismic requirements.


2024 British Columbia Building Code comes into effect March 8, 2024


With the 2024 BC Building Code coming into effect, all permits applied for as of March 8, 2024 must comply with the 2024 BC Building Code.

Exceptions to this implementation include Subsection 3.8.5., Subsection 4.1.8., Section 9.23. and Appendix C of Division B of the 2024 BC Building Code; implementation is delayed until the effective date of March 10, 2025. The Code requirements prior to the implementation date for these subsections and sections are found in the current 2018 BC Building Code.

Order of the Minister of Housing - Province of British Columbia

The 2024 BC Building Code is closely based on the National Building Code. The new Building Code is available to view here: 2024 British Columbia Building Code

Please note: Currently the changes from the 2018 BC Building Code to the new 2024 BC Building Code are not identified in the text of the code. This has been past practice and may be included in the future. 


2023 Building Permit Application Changes - Part 3 & Complex Part 9 Buildings

New building permit application requirements have arrived! The new application requirements will be implemented in 2 phases. 

Phase 1:

Implementation Date:     December 15, 2023

Description: Building Permit Applications for new commercial, industrial, multi- family buildings, and existing commercial, industrial multi-family buildings with a change in major occupancy or with a substantial addition/alteration will be required to conform to the new application requirements.  The City of Nanaimo will work with applicants to adjust to the new requirements during this transition. 

Phase 2: 

Implementation Date: March 8, 2024 

Description: The 2 Step Intake process will be fully implemented and Building Permit Applications not conforming to the new requirements will be rejected. 

Why are these changes happening?

The Goal:  Improve quality of applications to decrease municipal review times. 

How:  The changes address the correctness of code analysis, completeness of drawings, and the coordination of drawings.

Where have we been:  Over the years, as municipal review times for building permits have increased, the industry has tended to submit less complete applications to “start the clock” on the building permit review while the design progresses.  Unfortunately, this has compounded the challenges around municipal building permit reviews as the incomplete, and sometimes incorrect, documents lead to significant back and forth between municipal staff and consultants, extending review times and consuming limited staff resources.

Revised Process – Two Phases

The revised process will require more complete and coordinated building permit application drawings with specific requirements on how certain information is conveyed on drawings. The standardization of how certain information is conveyed is aimed at facilitating municipal review and decreasing the review time. While the required Building Code Analysis is a comprehensive document, it is intended to act as a value-add checklist for the Architect and Consultant team to ensure a complete package and is set up to minimize time required to complete the permit application.

Phase 1:         New Building Permit Application Requirements:

Step 1: Applicant to review Commercial BP Application - Detailed Guide to Building Permit Applications;

Step 2: If there are significant code classification/interpretation items, and/or proposed Alternative Solution(s) where the Applicant requires municipal input, the applicant may request a meeting with City staff.  Adequate information to allow staff to understand the items to be discussed must be circulated ahead of the meeting;

Step 3: Consultant team to review Building Code Analysis and the Building Code Analysis - Guide. This is strongly encouraged prior to completing the drawing package as there are requirements in how certain information is to be conveyed on the drawing set. Special attention should be given to description of the different Drawing Components and example of Building Description contained in the guide;

Step 4: Consultant team prepares a correct, complete, and coordinated drawing package that meets the requirements of the documents referenced in Step 1, and includes all required items from either the Commercial/Multi-Residential/Industrial – Part 3 Buildings – Building Permit Application Checklist, or Commercial/Multi-Residential/Industrial – Part 9 Buildings – Building Permit Application Checklist as applicable;

Step 5: Architect to complete Building Code Analysis and reference the Building Code Analysis - Guide for clarifications as required;

Step 6: Coordinating Registered Professional completes Online Building Permit Application.

Phase 2:          2 Step Intake Process:

1.    Intake Review:

  • Building permits will reviewed by City staff within 15 working days to assess correctness of code analysis, completeness of submission package and general coordination of drawings;
  • At the end of the initial review, City staff will either accept the submission, or reject the submission and alert the applicant. If rejected, some high-level commentary may be provided, but a detailed list of deficiencies will not be provided. The applicant will then need to re-apply for a Building Permit.

2.    Building Permit Review:

  • After acceptance of the application City staff will begin their building permit review and internal referrals;
  • The City will work with the applicant on minor clarifications/adjustments as the review progresses, however the onus is on the applicant to provide a correct, complete and coordinated application. If major challenges are discovered, they may lead to rejection of the application and require re-application for a Building Permit;
  • The City commits to reviewing applications as quickly as possible, however, given the variability of Building Permit applications and potential delays in requested clarifications, the City cannot commit to a specific review time.

Associated Documents:


Building Inspections Section



BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Code Implementation Updates

On October 16, 2023 Council gave the fourth and final reading to Building Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 2023 No. 7224.05.  The intent of the Bylaw is to implement the Provincial Zero Carbon Step Code for both Part 3 and Part 9 Buildings and to advance the BC Energy Step Code for Part 3 Buildings.

  • As of now, all building permit applications for the construction of new buildings that fall within the scope of the Zero Carbon Step Code will need to meet the performance requirements EL-1 (measure only).  
  • As of July 1, 2024, all building permit applications for the construction of new buildings that fall within the scope of the Zero Carbon Step Code will need to meet the performance requirements EL-4.
  • As of January 1, 2026, all building permit applications for the construction of new Part 3 buildings that fall within the scope of the BC Energy Step Code must meet the performance requirements Step 3.

Contact: Dave Stewart, Environmental Planner
Phone: 250-755-4491 

Questions about the Building Bylaw amendment?

Contact: Darcy Fox, Manager, Building Inspections
Phone: 250-755-4456


Permit application processing times

Please be advised that due to current volumes of permit applications received, target application processing times are not being met. Staff continue to work diligently and are processing applications as quickly as possible.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but appreciate your patience during this time.

Building Permit Processing Times

Last updated: March 12, 2025

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