Traffic Calming Process
Most traffic calming projects in Nanaimo start when residents bring speeding concerns to the City’s attention. Once a request is received, the City puts it in a queue for review. Traffic calming requests are reviewed in the order they are received.

To identify the scope of the problem, the first step is data collection. A traffic count device will be deployed at the selected location and it will collect traffic speeds and volumes for a week.
If the traffic data satisfies the traffic calming criteria in the Traffic Calming Guidelines, the candidate roadway will be considered for traffic calming. If the traffic data does not support the need for traffic calming on the candidate roadway at this point, its status will change to “Not supported by Data”.
Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Guidelines
Roadways that are candidates for traffic calming will go on to the Project Consideration Stage, where a neighbourhood consultation with local residents, businesses, and community organizations will follow.
Once Council approves the project and funding is provided for it, a traffic calming plan will be developed for the project with a conceptual design and construction will ultimately take place. This process will take about 18-24 months from when funding is approved to the delivery of the project.

Requests & Status
Each traffic calming request enters a queue and follows a review process before it is approved for traffic calming measures. Here's a snapshot of the City of Nanaimo's current requests.
Traffic Calming Requests & Status
Data Collection Stage
1. Sherwood Drive
2. Oliver Road (Kaden Place to Surles Road)
3. Turner Road (Near Parkwood Drive)
4. Buttertubs Drive
5. Westdale Road (5441 Westdale to Leslie Crescent)
6. Quadra Avenue (Brechin Road to Estevan Road)
7. Prince John Way (Near Hammond Bay Road)
8. Starlight Trail (Golden Meadows Crescent and Tamara Drive)
9. Gillespie Street
12. McGirr Road
13. Toms Turnabout
14. Williamson Road
15. Whitney Road
16. Porcupine Hill Trail
17. Second Street (Doric Avenue to Howard Avenue)
18. Delia Terrace
19. Uplands Drive (Oliver Road to Turner Road)
20. Comox Road (Wall Street to Prideaux Street)
21. Pryde Avenue (Fuller Street to Morey Road)
22. Calinda Road
23. Dunster Road (Godfrey Road to Sherbourne Drive)
24. Godfrey Road (Dunster Road to Metral Drive)
Project Consideration Stage
1. Bradley Street
2. Mountain Vista Drive
3. Ashlee Road
4. Seventh Street (Bruce Ave - Short Ave)
5. Howard Avenue (Bowen Rd - Third St)
6. Wellington Road (Jingle Pot Rd - Jordan Ave)
7. Nanaimo Lakes Road (Near Dogwood Rd)
8. Laguna Way
9. Bay Street (Fandell St - Country Club Dr)
10. Mill Road
11. Rosstown Road
12. Vista View Crescent (Logan's Run to Hammond Bay Rd)
13. Labieux Road (Black Franks Dr to Duggan Pl)
14. Labieux Road (Pheasant Terrace to Oriole Drive) 15. Seventh Street (Parkview Ave to Glengarry Cres)
16. Dover Road (Schook Rd to Mary Ellen Dr)
17. Bruce Avenue (Sixth St to Seventh St) 18. Richardson Road
19. Dickinson Rd (Dover Rd to Medd Rd)
20. Victoria Road 21. Howard Avenue (Seventh St to Ninth St) 22.Townsite Road 23. Pine Street (Campbell St to Kerr Rd) 24. Highland Boulevard 25. Departure Bay Road (Smugglers Hill Drive to Merry Men Way) 26. Bush Street 27. Cinnabar Drive (Stacey Crescent to Tait Road) 28. Doumont Road (Dennie Lane to Metral Drive) 29. Holland Road (Stobart Road to Lynn-La-Ran Road) 30. Jingle Pot Road (Wakesiah Avenue to Third Street) 31. Calder Road -
Action Taken & Monitoring
Bay Street (Elk St - Departure Bay Rd)
Departure Bay (seasonal traffic calming)
Georgia Avenue
Lost Lake Road
Not Supported by Data
Alpen Way
Ambience Drive
Applecross Road (at Portsmouth Road)
Arbot Road (Ridgepoint Drive to Mill Road)
Arbot Road (Westwood Road to Mill Road)
Arbot Road (Calder Road to Harwell Road)
Bay Street (Elk Street to Fandell Street)
Beaconsfield Road
Blueback Road (Kingfisher Place to Cambridge Place)
Brickyard Road (South of Waldbank Road)
Brookfield Drive
Bush Street
Carlisle Street
Carrington Road
Caspers Way
Centennary Drive (Roberta Road W to Lenwood Road)
Departure Bay Road (Rock City Road and Shamrock Place)
Duggan Road (Northfield Road to Meredith Road)
Fillinger Crescent (Entwhistle Drive to Sand Piper Place)
Forest Drive
Glacier Way
Golden Oaks Crescent
Groveland Drive (Lewis Road to Cofu Drive)
Gulfview Drive (Roxanne Drive to Sheridan Ridge)
Haliday Crescent (Bay Street to Fandell Street)
Hammond Bay Road (Near Bonnie Drive)
Harbour View Street
Holyrood Drive
Icarus Drive
Invermere Road
Irwin Street (Milton Street to Finlayson Street)
Juniper Street
King Richard Drive (Rose Ann Drive to Robinhood Drive)
Lenwood Road
Linley Valley Drive (Near the Park)
Littleford Road
Lynburn Crescent
Maki Road
Meadow Lark Trail
Milton Street (Albert Street to Fitzwilliam Street)
Morningside Drive
Nelson Road (Carlton Road to Turner Road)
Nottingham Drive (Hammond Bay Road to Five Rivers Place)
Park Avenue
Park Avenue (Murray Street to Deering Street)
Place Road
Princess Street (Fifth Street to Needham Street)
Robin Hood Drive
Rock City Road (Near Ocean Pearl Terrace)
Sherbourne Drive
Sierra Way
Sixth Street (Howard Avenue to Bruce Street)
Strickland Street (South of Rainer Street)
Timberwood Drive
Uplands Drive (Villa Road to Mexicana Road)
Vancouver Avenue
Victoria Avenue (Norwell Drive to 101st Street)
Waldbank Road (West of Brickyard Road)
Weber Street
Westwood Road (Arbot Road to Leighton Road)
Westwood Road (Near Belwood Road)
Willow Grouse Crescent
Winchester Avenue Alley
Traffic Calming Projects examples
Lost Lake Road Traffic Calming
The Georgia Greenway (Phase 1)
The Georgia Greenway (Phase 2)
To submit a request, email or contact us online.
Quick Links:
Traffic Calming
Imagine traffic infrastructure that keeps vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians moving without accident, injury or death? That's safety worth aiming for.
Vision Zero
Vision Zero means taking a proactive, preventative approach that prioritizes traffic safety as a public health issue.
Traffic Calming Tools
Traffic calming tools; vertical deflection, horizontal deflection, obstruction measures, and signage.
Traffic calming frequently asked questions.
Transportation - Report a Problem
On this page you can let us know your ideas and concerns about the City’s transportation infrastructure.
Last updated: November 14, 2024
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