Rezoning Applications
If you want to change your property’s zoning, City staff can advise you on how to apply for rezoning.
What is Rezoning?
Every property in Nanaimo is classified with a “zone”, which determines the types of activities permitted on the property, the location and size of buildings that can be constructed, and the size of lots that can be created.
A rezoning is the public process required to change land use or increase density on a property beyond what is permitted by the Zoning Bylaw—usually by changing the zone of the property.
Find out how your property is zoned
Do I need to apply for rezoning or a variance?
While such conditions such as building setbacks or height can be varied through a Development Variance Permit, changing the permitted uses or density in a particular zone requires a change to the Zoning Bylaw through a rezoning application.
If you would like to use your property for an activity not currently permitted under your zoning, you can apply to rezone to a zone under which that use is allowed. You can also apply for rezoning in order to increase the number of residential units or Gross Floor Area permitted for development on property.
How do I apply for a rezoning?
As every property and rezoning request is unique, application requirements can vary. Before you apply, please contact the Current Planning Section ( to confirm the application requirements and request a pre-application meeting. More information about rezoning applications and how to apply can be found in the documents below.
- Rezoning Application Form & Checklist (PDF)
- Appointment of Agent (PDF)
- Licensee Retail Stores Rezoning Criteria (PDF)
- For Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) rezoning applications, please visit the page below:
How much does rezoning cost?
As every application ranges in complexity, there is no fixed cost for rezoning. Below is a list of potential costs:
- Rezoning application fee:
- Lot under 0.2 hectares: $1000
- Lot over 0.2 hectares: $1500
- Assembling the application submission requirements (plans and supporting documents)
- Installation and updating of required on-site signage
- Revising plans and supporting documents, if necessary
- Public hearing fee (based on cost of newspaper advertising)
- Preparation of legal documents, if required
- Securing letters of credit/bonding, if required
- Community Amenity Contribution Policy
How will my application be evaluated by City staff?
Your application will be reviewed to assess whether the proposed rezoning is consistent with the policies contained within City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined.
As each property and rezoning request is unique, other factors may arise that will need to be addressed as part of your application. A meeting with City staff early on in the rezoning process will help to identify any of these issues.
Links to relevant documents
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Last updated: November 25, 2024
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