Accessibility and Inclusion
The ability to freely and fully access and experience a community affects individual wellbeing. The City is committed to improving accessibility for all by identifying, removing and preventing barriers that limit access to services, amenities and public life. Access is vital for all residents to have an equitable and enjoyable experience of what Nanaimo has to offer.
In 2022, the Province of BC passed the Accessible British Columbia Act, which requires all public sector organizations to establish:
- an accessibility committee
- an accessibility plan
- a mechanism for collecting feedback on accessibility
You can find information on each of these, and a link to our online feedback form, on this page.
Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness
The Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness (ACAI) was established in December 2019 to promote social and political equity within existing and proposed City plans, policies, bylaws and infrastructure and make recommendations to ensure that they are inclusive and accommodating to citizens of all ages, abilities and walks of life.
To learn more about this committee, view the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness webpage.
Collecting Feedback on Accessibility and Inclusion
This form will allow you to provide feedback on matters related to accessibility and inclusion in the City of Nanaimo. Submissions received from the online form will be reviewed by City staff and the ACAI.
If you are not able to fill in the online form, please call 250-755-4460 ext. 4547 and a staff member would be happy to submit the feedback on your behalf.
Accessibility and Inclusion Feedback Form
Accessibility and Inclusion Plan
In July 2022, Nanaimo Council adopted City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined. City Plan, as it is commonly referred to, is a strategic planning document that serves as Nanaimo's Official Community Plan; Parks, Recreation, Culture and Wellness Plan; Active Mobility Plan; Transportation Plan; Climate Action and Resiliency Plan; and Accessibility and Inclusion Plan.
City Plan is our guide for how we will get to our future Nanaimo. The Integrated Action Plan is a supporting document to City Plan and is a full library of actions outlining what the City is already doing, and would like to do, to achieve the goals of City Plan.
An accessible version of City plan - Nanaimo ReImagine is available online. Below you will find the City Plan sections related to Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility:
Equity and Inclusivity (Section C4.2 of City Plan)
Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates resources and opportunities to support more positive outcomes for all regardless of age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, faith practice, ancestry, or background. By identifying inequities and targeting investment in prevention and intervention, the wellbeing and inclusion of the diversity of people that make up our entire community can be enhanced, creating a city that puts people first and supports a sense of belonging.
Desired Outcomes
- An inclusive Nanaimo that provides opportunities for active involvement and prosperity for all; welcomes contributions of all members; facilitates participation and social interaction across cultures, genders, orientations, ages, and abilities; and recognizes and fosters respect for diversity as per the Province’s Accessibility BC Act
- Environments and spaces across all areas of the city that are diverse and vibrant for the enjoyment of all residents.
- Celebration of diverse cultures and a community that is welcoming, inclusive, and accepting of all.
- Equitable access to services, programs and facilities for all residents.
- Demonstrated City leadership by receiving training, sharing resources and knowledge, and applying an equity, diversity and inclusion lens in city initiatives and decision-making processes.
Equity and Inclusivity Policies
City Plan Policies
C4.2.1 - Create a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere in City owned facilities where all people feel safe, comfortable, and represented.
C4.2.2 - Incorporate an equity lens into land use planning decisions across Nanaimo.
C4.2.3 - Encourage an equitable distribution of community amenities, social services, facilities, and mobility across the city, to support the diverse needs of residents.
C4.2.4 - Strive to reduce financial barriers to community spaces, programs, and services for community members with lower incomes.
C4.2.5 - Encourage development of accessible and inclusive public spaces and buildings through universal design principles, and the provision of accessible and inclusive amenities and infrastructure for all ages, abilities, and genders.
C4.2.6 - Create and adapt programming and facilities to support respectful and inclusive services for all people.
C4.2.7 - Design all new washroom facilities, and retrofit existing facilities, where possible, to include universal and gender neutral spaces.
C4.2.8 - Encourage diversity awareness and build a culture of compassion for people of all cultures, genders, orientations, ages, and abilities.
C4.2.9 - Support and welcome newcomers to settle in Nanaimo and encourage their awareness, understanding, and respect for First Nations governments and Mustimuxw (peoples) and other Indigenous peoples.
C4.2.10 - Encourage programs that create employment opportunities and link diverse and under represented groups to those opportunities.
Access for All (Section C4.3 of City Plan)
The ability to freely and fully access and experience a community affects individual wellbeing. The City is committed to improving accessibility for all, by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers that limit access to services, amenities, and public life. Access is vital for all residents to have an equitable and enjoyable experience of what Nanaimo has to offer.
Desired Outcomes
- There are many ways for people of all ages and abilities to move freely throughout the City and without barriers.
- People of all ages, genders, abilities, and income levels have easy access to services and spaces without barriers.
Access for All Policies
City Plan Policies
C4.3.1 - Continue to provide accessible meeting space for in person Council and Committee meetings as well as access to online live streamed and recorded options with closed captioning.
C4.3.2 - Ensure that online communications are adapted to reduce barriers for a range of audio-visual accessibility needs.
C4.3.3 - As requested, offer access to City services online, via phone, or in person, to support a person’s specific accessibility needs using a range of existing and emerging technologies, including use of video relay services to support those with hearing or speech disabilities.
C4.3.4 - Where applicable, include an “accessibility lens” to Council reports and consultant reports delivered to City Staff and Council.
C4.3.5 - Continue to address and remove barriers to employment consistent with BC’s Human Rights Code.
C4.3.6 - Where possible, ensure that all or most owned or leased City facilities meet accessibility requirements in the latest version of the BC Building Code.
C4.3.7 - Ensure that new City facilities and buildings, including major renovations, meet universal accessibility standards.
C4.3.8 - Include universal design principles in City plans, policies, designs, standards, programs, and services that consider the needs of all people, including those with physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities.
Parks & Recreation Facilities
C4.3.9 - Provide opportunities for all people to pursue healthy, active, and social lifestyles through a range of inclusive, accessible, and affordable events, festivals, parks, recreational facilities, cultural facilities, and programs.
C4.3.10 - Ensure that public spaces are available and accessible to all members of the community where possible.
C4.3.11 - Continue to increase the provision of accessible play equipment and park amenities.
C4.3.12 - Where possible, provide safe, clean, and accessible washroom facilities, including change tables for children and adults, throughout the city to enhance public space experiences for all.
C4.3.13 - Provide universal access to parks, open spaces, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Where universal access is not possible in natural areas, prioritize meaningful opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in areas where universal accessibility is feasible.
Recreation Programs
C4.3.14 - Strive to make all City parks, recreation, and culture programs as inclusive and accessible as possible for all ages and abilities.
C4.3.15 - Continue to provide a variety of inclusive and barrier-free activities that support different age groups including seniors and youth.
C4.3.16 - Continue to offer adaptive sport options, working with partners and organizations, wherever possible.
C4.3.17 - Continue to partner with social clubs to provide meeting space for people with disabilities.
C4.3.18 - Continue to use Physical Literacy as a method of programming for youth to teach and adapt skills needed to learn purposeful physical pursuits.
C4.3.19 - Continue to incorporate accessibility and inclusiveness into recreational programs through adaptability and instruction.
Land Use and Development
C4.3.20 - Encourage private home owners, landlords, developers, and not-forprofit housing providers to build new or update existing buildings and spaces to meet adaptable and accessibility standards.
C4.3.21 - Encourage and consider incentives for private developers and not-for-profit housing organizations to develop and maintain a percentage of adaptable and accessible housing rental units in new or existing market and affordable developments.
C4.3.22 - Enable seniors to age-in-place by supporting alternative housing and care options, such as adapting existing housing to be accessible, supporting in-law or secondary suites, encouraging shared or co-housing opportunities, and enabling at-home care opportunities.
Mobility and Transportation
C4.3.23 - Continue to support Regional District of Nanaimo and BC Transit efforts to maintain and improve accessibility to public transit through bus design.
C4.3.24 - Ensure that the design of new or upgraded public transit infrastructure (e.g., transit shelters, exchanges, etc.) considers accessibility for all users, particularly those serving rapid and frequent transit routes.
C4.3.25 - Work to reduce transportation barriers to City owned facilities and City run programs.
C4.3.26 - Where possible, exceed minimum requirements for universal accessibility for parking access and design standards.
C4.3.27 - Work with community partners to develop universally accessible trails where appropriate, and provide information about trail conditions and barriers at the trailheads and online.
Last updated: June 20, 2024
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