Habits, Redefined.

Habits redefined

In 2015, the City adopted an anti-idling policy, directing staff to minimize fuel use while driving City vehicles. All of our green fleet initiatives have helped us to realize a 15% average savings in gasoline and diesel consumption since 2007, despite an increase in the size of the City’s fleet!

Fuel-saving challenge!

If you would like to join us in saving on your fuel bill, here are some simple driving habits that can help:

  1. Idle-free. If you pull over to make a call, text someone, or find that playlist you’ve been wanting to listen to, turn off your engine and save that gas!
  2. Walk in. Whether you’re grabbing a coffee or lunch on the go, a drive-through is a convenient but gas-guzzling line-up to fall into. Consider getting your daily steps in by parking and walking inside to order. Hey, then you can bring that environmentally-friendly reusable cup in for a cheaper refill too!
  3. Drive lightly. Be an efficient driver by accelerating gently and driving at a steady speed. Avoid high-speed drives and coast to decelerate where possible. It all adds up to a little less time at the pump.
  4. Feel the pressure. Set your tires to the proper air pressure. Under-inflated tires force your engine to work harder, and therefore burn more fuel. Proper inflation will increase the life of your tires. Check your tire pressure monthly!
  5. Air-conditioning. It feels great, but a vehicle does burn more fuel while the a/c is running. Roll down the windows at city speeds, and use your flow-through ventilation system at highway speeds.
  6. Drive less. It seems like a no-brainer, but if your vehicle isn’t running, it isn’t burning fuel. Coordinate your errands to combine them into single trips, plan those trips for the most fuel-efficient routes and eliminate backtracking, and where possible, consider walking, cycling or taking the bus.

There are other tips out there, such as reducing drag and the amount of weight that you carry in your vehicle, and it can all help. How much can you save in fuel this year?

bucket truck driving

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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