Animal Control & Licenses
City parks and public spaces are regularly patrolled by Animal Control Services to ensure all dogs and dog owners are acting responsibly, so everyone can enjoy public spaces. Animal Control Services has been contracted by to enforce the City's Animal Responsibility Bylaw No. 7316.
Dog Licenses
All dogs over the age of four months are required to have a valid dog licence in the City of Nanaimo.
Did you know? 100% of the fees collected from dog licensing go towards the costs of operating the Nanaimo Animal Shelter, including care and adoption.
Why licence your dog?

- It is the most effective way to reunite lost dogs with their owners.
- It is a mandatory requirement for all dogs over the age of four (4) months. Owners can be ticketed $50/day for non-compliance.
- With a valid dog licence, owners avoid additional penalties if the dog is impounded.
- It encourages owner accountability. Licence tags must be worn on a collar when the dog is in a public space or on private property other than where the dog is normally kept.
- Licence fees help offset the costs of operating an animal control and pound service which shelters, feeds, and provides care for lost animals.
How to licence your dog
You can apply for a Dog Licence online: Apply for a New Dog Licence
Or in person at the following locations:
- City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street - Open Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm)
- Nanaimo Animal Shelter (1260 Nanaimo Lakes Road - Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm)
If you do not live within the the City of Nanaimo's limits, you do not require a valid licence for your dog(s) with the City of Nanaimo. Please check with the municipality you reside in as to licensing requirements in your area.
Dog Licence Information
Dog Licence Fees
As of January 1, 2022:
If purchased/renewed before February 28:
- Neutered / spayed: $25
- Unsterilized: $50
Dog designated Aggressive: $75
​If purchased/renewed after February 28:
- Neutered / spayed: $30
- Unsterilized: $60
- Dog designated Aggressive: $90
There is no charge for Guide and Service dogs; however, you are still required to licence your dog and provide the documentation indicating the certification achieved under the Guide Dog and Service Dog Act - BC . This document will be scanned and attached to your dog licence account for future reference.
Dog Licence fees are non-refundable as per Schedule A of Bylaw 7041.02 - Fees and Charges amendment Bylaw
Dog Licence - What is required?
- Dogs older than 4 months (or 16 weeks) are required to be licensed with the City.
- Licenses are valid from January 1st until December 31st.
- New Dog Licenses must be purchased online or in person at one of the following locations:
- City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street - Open Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm)
- Nanaimo Animal Shelter (1260 Nanaimo Lakes Road - Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm)
- Online: Apply for a New Dog Licence
- To receive the reduced licence fee, owners must provide a certificate signed by a veterinarian or other evidence that indicates the dog has been sterilized.
- To renew your Dog Licence, please refer to Renew Your Dog Licence
Dog Licence Renewal - Info and ways of payment
Dog licence renewals are mailed out towards the end of January each year.
You can renew your dog licence in one of three ways:
- Renew your dog licence online with our Online Payment Services by clicking Online Services (near the top of this page), and click on "Dog Licence Renewal" in the top right corner. Please note that you will need your Dog Licence Account number and credit card handy for this option.
- Renew your dog licence in person at one of the following locations:
- City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street - Open Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm)
- Nanaimo Animal Shelter (1260 Nanaimo Lakes Road - Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm)
- Renew your dog licence via your financial institution's online banking. Please note that you will need to add the City of Nanaimo as a Payee. We suggest searching for "Nanaimo" and selecting the the "dog licence" option. You can find your account number on your most recent invoice from the City.
Found a Dog on the loose? What to do
To report an incident occurring in the City of Nanaimo, please call 250-616-0233. For after hours emergencies, listen to the recorded message for instructions.
For animal control in the Regional District of Nanaimo, please call Coastal Animal Services at 1-888-754-1397.
The dog you have found hopefully has a tag. On that tag should be the phone number to reach the Finance Department at the City of Nanaimo (250-755-4415). The office phone hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. Please call 250-616-0233 outside of these hours.
Dog Tags and Replacement Tags
It is mandatory by Animal Control that all dogs wear their tags as it is a primary point of contact should they need to contact you regarding your dog.
There is a $5 replacement fee per tag.
Tag Replacements MUST be obtained in person at one of the following locations:
- City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street - Open Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm)
- Nanaimo Animal Shelter (1260 Nanaimo Lakes Road - Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm and Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm)
Service Dogs within the City of Nanaimo
There is no charge for a Guide or Service Dog; however, you are still required to licence your dog and provide the documentation indicating the valid certification as outlined in the Guide Dog and Service Dog Act - BC.
This document will be scanned and attached to your dog licence account for future reference.
Dangerous or Breed Specific Legislation
There is no longer breed specific legislation in the City of Nanaimo. Dogs of all breeds are subject to the same requirements. Dogs that have been designated as Aggressive Dogs due to aggressive behavior are subject to additional requirements, such as muzzling, to ensure public safety.
Aggressive Dog Regulations:
The owner of a dog that has been designated as an Aggressive Dog in the City must comply with several new regulations including an increased licensing fee, proof of liability insurance, the posting of signage at the entrance to the property where the dog is kept, and prohibition from City parks. These regulations replace breed specific legislation.
Please refer to the Bylaw No. 7316 - Animal Responsibility Bylaw sections 26 through 30 and 78 through 81 that pertain directly on what is required and regulated with a dog that is designated as aggressive.
Contact Us
Last updated: June 20, 2024
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