Green Fleet

Prius through a green lens

Look through the right lens, and the future looks green.

Green on the Go. From sanitation trucks and heavy equipment, to small cars and even bicycles, the City operates a variety of vehicles and equipment to help keep our city running as efficiently as possible.

Whenever the City adds or replaces a vehicle or piece of equipment, an operational review is completed. This will determine vehicle size, operational need, efficiencies and alternative fuel source options, and we see it all through a green lens. 

This process ensures the right size of vehicle is purchased to meet the job requirements with a respectably low environmental impact.

Electrified. Hybrid, plug-in electric and all-electric powered vehicles are becoming more efficient and more readily available than ever. Here’s a look at our electric vehicles.

Alternatively Powered. From sanitation trucks to utility trucks, some of the City’s fleet is too large and work intensive to be electric. Still, the City aims to create less of a carbon footprint with our larger fleet by using CNG and propane vehicles vs those powered by unleaded fuels and diesel.

Future E-mpowered. An empowering future begins now, and as well as electric and alternatively fueled vehicles, electric bicycles are beginning to become a part of our City workdays. 

Nice Ice. It looks nice and white, but the ice in our arenas is actually very green. So green in fact, that our electric Zambonis are part of a zero-emission ice-resurfacing process. 

Habits, Redefined. Lowering the City’s GHG emissions doesn’t always involve technology. Going green also involves a few simple changes to an operator’s driving habits.

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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