Paid Parking

Hospital Area Parking

Hospital Area Parking map

The City of Nanaimo is bringing in 2-hour pay parking and introducing web-based, mobile HotSpot Parking to the street parking areas around Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.  This responds to the growing street parking challenges faced by residents and visitors to the hospital and businesses in surrounding areas.

Drivers can pay by scanning the HotSpot QR code signage with their smartphone or by downloading the HotSpot Parking app. 2-hour parking will be by licence plate number.  For convenience, the payment process accommodates all major credit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Visa Debit.

Parking rates will be consistent with Downtown rates at $1.25 per hour.  2-hour pay parking will be in effect Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm.  Free on Sundays.  Please note: This rate applies to on-street parking only. It does not apply to Nanaimo Regional General Hospital parking lots.

HotSpot's Fast Tap Sign act just like a pay station to accept digital payments, which allows you to pay for parking quickly and efficiently by scanning the QR code - no application download or account set-up required.Paying for parking online will be available in one of two different methods: Download the App HotSpot Parking Transit Taxis or scan the qr code to Pay through Apple Pay, Google Pay or Credit Card

For assistance using HotSpot Parking you can view the videos below.

Downtown Nanaimo Parking

Downtown Parking Map

On-Street Parking

The City of Nanaimo has 924 on street parking stalls available for public use. These stalls consist of unmetered, metered and disabled stalls.

Non-metered stalls809 stalls
Metered Stalls95 stalls
Disabled Stalls20 stalls

2-Hour Free Parking Zones

2-hour parking zones are designated and marked with 2-hour parking signage. There are no exemption periods for 2-hour zones. They are enforced 7 days a week, 24 hours per day except on statutory holidays.

2-hour on-street parking map

Downtown Pay Parking Rates

Street parking is enforced Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm, free evenings and weekends. 20 digital pay stations are located within the Downtown. Payment can be made with coin or credit card. Debit payment is not available.

12 minutes$0.25
1 hour$1.25
2 hours$2.50
Evenings & WeekendsFree

Downtown Parking Meter Map

Disabled Parking Zones

Parkers displaying a valid official Disable Parking Tag are eligible to park in any of the designated disabled parking spaces on-street or off-street. Should there be no available disabled parking spaces, Disabled Parking Tag parkers may park in any City space or stall that is not reserved, at no charge, for the designated time displayed in the area.

Disabled On-Street Parking Map 

For information on official disability parking tag contact the Nanaimo Disability Resource Centre website.

Parking Meter Assistance

Should the meter you are using experiences any challenges with accepting payment, please contact the number on the meter or Parking Services 250-755-4468 for assistance. Please provide the number of the meter, your vehicle description and license plate number.

City of Nanaimo Downtown Parkades

The City of Nanaimo manages 3 major parkade structures located in downtown Nanaimo with 901 stalls available for public use.


Vancouver Island Conference Centre/Port of Nanaimo Centre

Monthly Parking Passes Available - $110/month

101 Gordon Street308 stalls

Harbour Front Parkade

Monthly Parking Passes Available - $110/month

51 Gordon Street301 stalls

Bastion Street Parkade

Monthly Parking Passes Available - $75/month

236 Bastion Street292 stalls


Monthly Parking Pass Application


City of Nanaimo Off-Street Parking Lots


Wallace and Wentworth Parking Lot

Monthly Passes Available   $60/month

340 Wentworth Street59 stalls

Cavan Street Parking Lots

Monthly Passes Available   $60/month

95 & 35 Cavan Street82 stalls

Selby Street Parking Lot 

Monthly Parking Passes Available   $60/month

299 Selby Street24 stalls
Prideaux Street Parking Lot (Currently Unavailable) 336 Prideaux Street37 stalls

For information on Monthly Parking Passes please contact us directly at or by calling Parking Services at 250-755-4468.


Parkade & Parking Lot Hourly Rates

Ticket dispensers in City parkades and lots accept coins, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Multi-day parking is available through the ticket dispenser.

Parking Extensions - HONK Mobile

If you are not able to return to your vehicle prior to your pay parking expiring, you can extend your parking via the HONK mobile contactless parking app.  For more information, please contact Parking Services 250-755-4468.

Statutory Holiday Parking

Pay Parking is not in effect in any Parkade on the following Statutory Holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Family Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Victoria Day
  • Canada Day
  • BC Day
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Remembrance Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

Vancouver Island Conference Center (VICC/PoNC)          101 Gordon Street (HONK Mobile Zone 429)

Hours: 24 hours, Monday to Sunday

First 2 Hours$0.75
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$7.00
24 Hour Rate$9.00
 Monthly Pass$110.00

Harbour Front Parkade - 51 Gordon Street (HONK Mobile Zone 383)

Hours: 24 hours, Monday to Sunday

First 2 Hours$0.75
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$7.00
24 Hour Rate$9.00
 Monthly Pass $110.00

Bastion Street Parkade - 236 Bastion Street (HONK Mobile Zone 384)

Pay Parking: 8am-5pm  Monday to Friday  Free Evenings & Weekends

First 2 Hours$0.75
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$7.00
24 Hour Rate$9.00
 Monthly Pass $75.00

Cavan Street Lots (HONK Mobile Zone 390 or 391) & Wallace Wentworth Street Lot (HONK Mobile Zone 387)

Pay Parking: 8am-5pm  Monday to Friday  Free Evenings & Weekends

First 2 Hours$0.75
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$7.00
24 Hour Rate$9.00
 Monthly Pass $60.00

Maffeo Sutton Park - 68 Arena Street (HONK Mobile Zone 392)

Pay Parking: 8am-5pm  Monday to Friday   Free Evenings & Weekends

First 3 HoursFREE
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$7.00
24 Hour Rate$9.00

*See details below on Saysutshun Newcastle Island Day and Overnight Parking at Maffeo Sutton Park.

Brechin Boat Ramp** - 1900 Zorkin Road (HONK Mobile Zone 385)

Pay Parking: Daily  Monday to Sunday

First 2 Hours$2.00
Each Additional Hour$1.00
12 Hour Rate$6.00
24 Hour Rate$6.00
 Annual Car Top Pass $50.00
 Annual Trailer Pass$75.00

**Parking use is limited to boat ramp users ONLY.  Visible means of launching a boat is required to park in this lot.

Multi-day parking available at the meter. Extensions available with HONK Mobile App.

Annual Boat Ramp Parking Permits available.

Brechin Boat Ramp Annual Parking Pass Application

Monthly Parking Passes 

If you are a downtown employee or resident you may find your parking needs require a monthly parking pass. Monthly parking passes are available for most of the City Off-Street Parkades.

For monthly parking pass inquiries, please contact Parking Services at or by calling 250-755-4468 for details on the best options for your parking needs.

Monthly passes start on the 1st of a month and end the last day of the month.  Passes are not prorated if started after the 1st of a month.

FacilityMonthly Rate
Bastion Street Parkade - 236 Bastion Street $75.00
Harbour Front Parkade (Waitlist) - 51 Gordon Street$110.00

Port of Nanaimo Centre / Vancouver Island Conference Center  (Waitlist) - 101 Gordon Street 

Selby Street Parking Lot (Waitlist) - 299 Selby Street$60.00
Cavan Street Lots (Waitlist)  - 25 Cavan & 95 Cavan Street$60.00
Wallace & Wentworth (Waitlist) - 340 Wentworth Street$60.00

 If you would like to register for a monthly permit please complete the application below.  Once submitted, your application will be processed (within 3 business days) and you will be contacted to finalize and make payment.  

Parkade Pass Application

If you would like to renew an existing pass, re-activate a previous pass or be added to a waitlist, please contact us at parkingpasses@nanaimo.caa to make these arrangements.

Temporary On-Street Parking Passes

There are instances when a vehicle requires parking on-street for an extended period of time. In these circumstances a Temporary On-Street Parking Pass can be purchased for the duration needed, in the location needed. Passes are $10 per day, per space. In downtown pay parking areas these permits are available at the meter.  Please contact Parking Services 250-755-4468 for more information. 

Saysutshun Newcastle Island Day or Overnight Parking - Maffeo Sutton Park

Visitors to Saysutshun Newcastle Island can find available day or overnight parking in the Maffeo Sutton Park parking lot at 68 Arena Street.  Payment is required and multiday parking is available.  Parking is $9/24 hour day or by the hour.  Please ensure your parking stub is displayed on your dash.  Evenings, weekends and statutory holidays are free.  Please purchase the required parking for the payable parking time you are in the lot. 

If you are parking before and after a free parking period (a weekend or statutory holiday), 2 parking sessions will need to be purchased.  One, for the time leading up to the free parking timeframe and one for the period after the free parking timeframe. In this situation, please place both receipts on your dash for clarification.  HONK Mobile can also be used to complete your parking sessions.

Parking Extensions - Maffeo Sutton Park - HONK Mobile (Zone 392)

If you are not able to return to your vehicle prior to your pay parking expiring, you can extend your parking via the HONK mobile contactless parking app.  For more information, please contact Parking Services 250-755-4468.

Overnight camping is not permitted in Maffeo Sutton Park.

For further information, please call Parking Services at 250-755-4468.

Last updated: March 5, 2025

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