Nanaimo Waterfront Walkway
Nanaimo’s waterfront is one of our city’s greatest assets, and the existing waterfront walkway showcases its natural beauty. Many in the community have expressed a desire to expand the walkway and improve connections from existing trail and bike networks to the walkway.
In December 2017, Nanaimo City Council endorsed the Nanaimo Waterfront Walkway Implementation Plan which outlines how the waterfront walkway can be upgraded and expanded from Departure Bay to the Nanaimo River Estuary.
The City is currently considering a key phase of expansion which focuses on Departure Bay. Improvements would connect the existing trail behind BC Ferries Terminal to the existing waterfront walkway near the Kin Hut at Kinsman Park. The project is undergoing review and cost estimate updating for consideration by Council in early 2025 in concert with other major capital projects.
To learn about the project, please visit:

Want To Know More?
Download a copy of the Waterfront Walkway Implementation Plan
You can also check out an interactive map of the proposed waterfront walkway using the City's latest GIS Technology.
For all the latest walkway improvement project updates, see the Progress tab below.
- Progress
Improvement Projects Updates
1. Departure Bay
The City is currently considering a key phase of expansion which focuses on Departure Bay. Improvements would connect the existing trail behind BC Ferries Terminal to the existing waterfront walkway near the Kin Hut at Kinsman Park. To learn about the project please visit
2. South Downtown Waterfront
In 2019, construction work was completed of approximately 1km of interim waterfront walkway on 1 Port Drive. The construction work included new asphalt surfacing, new LED trailway lighting, new benches and waste receptacles. The walkway is now open to the public and allows users to walk or cycle between downtown and cruise ship terminal. Although the walkway is only built to an interim standard at this time, it allows users to access an area of the waterfront that was on private land and inaccessible.
- Documents
- Details
The Vision is to create a continuous walkway from Departure Bay to the Estuary.
The completed Waterfront Walkway Implementation Plan provides for a continuous multi-use pathway that can be enjoyed by pedestrians and cyclists, and is the centrepiece of a thriving and sustainable community.
The Implementation Plan was prepared through collaboration with community members, key stakeholders, experienced professionals and City staff to ensure the goals and desires of all are considered.
The stakeholder and community engagement program included:
5 Open Houses (over 1,400 attendees)
2 Public Surveys (over 2,600 respondents)
1 Design Workshop (over 25 community participants)
Technical aspects of the project involved a review of the guiding policies and existing conditions for each pathway section, preparation and evaluation of options, and refinement of the options with community and City input.
Check out an interactive map of the proposed waterfront walkway using the City's latest GIS Technology
- Background
The City of Nanaimo is a waterfront community on the east coast of Vancouver Island with a population of over 90,000. The natural beauty of Nanaimo’s waterfront forms the backbone of the community, bringing residents and tourists together to experience one of the City’s greatest assets. The waterfront is a commercial and industrial hub with shipyards, fishing docks, marinas, yacht clubs, and ferry and plane terminals. The area provides employment and integrates residential and recreational uses to create an active and vibrant waterfront.
Nanaimo and its surroundings are part of the ancestral home of a migratory Coast Salish people, the Snuneymuxw. The Snuneymuxw – meaning “The Great People” in the Hul’qumi’num language – lived in several waterfront villages along Nanaimo’s shores from Departure Bay to Newcastle Island, where they found abundant food, fresh water and winter shelter. Great cedarplanked longhouses were constructed in various locations along this stretch of Nanaimo’s waterfront, from the Nanaimo River Estuary to Departure Bay. The proposed Waterfront Walkway will travel through these important Snuneymuxw village sites and it will link present-day parks, shipyards, marinas, transportation terminals and residential developments.
The importance of the Waterfront Walkway has been recognized by Council and the community, with the expansion of the existing walkway highlighted as a key priority in the Transportation Master Plan, OCP, and the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan Update. The Waterfront Walkway Implementation Plan will be used to expand and improve upon the existing sections of walkway that were built incrementally over the last 30 years.
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