Join us for Youth Week 2024!

Join us as we celebrate youth in Nanaimo! Check out the YOUth Nanaimo Facebook page for more information on this year's events ( 

Please note that pre-registration is required for some of the events (ones marked with *), and space is limited. Call 250-756-5200 or visit for details or to reserve your spot. 

Youth Week 2024 Activities


  • Youth Poetry Night

Drop-in to meet Nanaimo’s newest Youth Poet Laureate and chat poetry! Discuss poetry, share your own, and have an opportunity to meet other young poets in the community. The event will be casual and provide an opportunity to connect with others while learning more about poetry. This event is hosted in partnership with LCVI. 

  • Pop-Up in the Park

Staff will be popping up at the park with various games and equipment to play with. Come out and enjoy some fun outside. Try your hand at badminton, soccer, spikeball and more!

  • Starlight Skate

Enjoy lap skating with our soft lights and passive LED lighting. Glow sticks are available for purchase.

  • Youth Board Game Night

Drop in to play some board games and have some fun with other youth in the community. Bring a group or come solo!
Drop In Youth Volleyball & Basketball 

Free gym time for youth to come play and practise their skills. Registration to save your spot opens up 72 hours prior, drop-ins available if space.

  • Spare Blox

Free drop-in gymnasium based program and is a partnership program between City of Nanaimo and Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools. Drop-in space is first come, first serve and space is limited. Ages vary by site.

  • Youth Lounge
Youth Lounge is a free drop in program for youth to come and hangout with staff and other youth, play games and activities, enjoy snacks and more. Youth Lounge is a partnership program between City of Nanaimo and BGC Central Vancouver Island. Drop-in space is first come, first serve, and space is limited to 25 at a time.
-Get Registered Event: Staff will be on site to help youth get registered into the Youth Lounge program so that they may drop in in the future. There will be prizes, swag, and other fun!
-Pizza and Swim Night: In celebration of Youth Week, Thursday night will include a pizza party and free admission to an Everyone Welcome Swim. Spaces are limited; space is first come, first serve.
-Pizza and Movie Night – Star Wars: In celebration of Youth Week, Friday night will include a pizza party and a viewing of a Star Wars movie (to celebrate May the 4th). Spaces are limited.

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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