Area of Impact

Climate Change


Corporate GHG emissions (tCO2e)

Reporting Period Data

Period Data
2007 4,696
2008 6,142
2009 5,625
2010 4,955
2011 5,181
2012 4,850
2013 4,765
2014 5,315
2015 5,254
2016 5,343
2017 5,471
2018 5,465
2019 5,806
2020 5,110
2021 5,033
2022 5,548
2023 5,287


50%-58% below 2010 levels (or below 2,478 tCO2e) by 2030;
94%-107% below 2010 levels by 2050

Indicator Data


Corporate GHG Emissions include utilities used at City-owned facilities that deliver Traditional Services. They also include emissions from fleet vehicles.

The Local Government Climate Action Program defines Traditional Services.

Corporate emissions also include emissions from contractor's vehicles while providing services to the City.

Rationale and Analysis

Our Progress

Nanaimo continues to target emission reduction through asset renewals, fuel switching, and other initiatives. There is more work to do as Nanaimo balances finite emission targets with population growth and levels of service.

Since 2009, Nanaimo has avoided more than $11 million of utility costs. Utility cost avoidance is the calculated energy savings after undertaking an energy reduction project. It is a cumulative number as each year the utility costs are avoided, the savings increase. For example, the 2023 value represents the sum of cumulative avoided cost each year between 2009 and 2023.  These “booked savings” do not reflect actual money saved on utilities primarily because it is difficult to account for increases in service level over the same period.

Policies and Actions

The Green Building Strategy was recently updated with Nanaimo’s Sustainable Building Policy. An update of Nanaimo’s Energy Conservation and Management Policy is underway.

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