September 11, 2023 Regular Council Summary


Damon Johnston, Manager of Recreation Services, and Amanda Daly, Recreation Coordinator, provided an overview with highlights from Parks, Recreation and Culture's summer 2023 programming. 
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Council presented Aiden Madsen with the 2023 Quest Pursuit of Excellence Award. This award recognizes the youth volunteer who has shown exemplary youth leadership in the community, contributed a significant number of volunteer hours and been a role model for the program and other youth leaders in training. A $500 bursary is also given to the award recipient, to be put towards post-secondary training and education.
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Nanaimo Council with award recipient and staff

Kathy Gonzales, Manager of Aquatics, provided an update on the aquatics department, highlighting steps that have been taken to rebuild capacity and expand programming.
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An update was provided to Council on options to regulate the consumption of controlled substances in public places following Provincial decriminalization.

Council was provided with a review of rent supplement programs in Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Region Rent Bank program. $150,000 from the Online Accommodation Platform fund was directed to be used to support rent supplement programs in Nanaimo, with the funds to be distributed to service agencies through a Request for Proposal or Expression of Interest process.

Additionally, $75,000 in funds from the Online Accommodation Platform fund will be distributed to the Nanaimo Region Rent Bank program as bridge funding for rent bank loan capital for City of Nanaimo residents until March 31, 2024. Staff will work with BC Rent Bank to review the program and ensure rent bank loans are being directed to key areas of housing needs as identified in the Nanaimo Housing Needs Report 2023.

Other Business

Council endorsed Councillor Eastmure to serve as a committee member on committees of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Board of Directors for a term ending June 2025.

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