This week, construction starts on a new Fire Station #1, recreation facilities are getting ready to welcome you again and dust off those old chairs in storage, Reuse Rendezvous is coming up! Read on for more...
City Service Updates
We have created a COVID-19 Recovery Plan to provide a path
forward for resumption of City operations in a safe and economically viable way. The plan outlines four steps that the City will take toward a gradual, safe and measured reopening of municipal facilities and resumption of City services and programs
that have been suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Corporate Services
Although our doors remain closed, the City is definitely open for business! Check out our Online Services page to see how we can help you.
Public Works
City staff continue regular garbage, recycling and organics collection. Have you noticed a delay in your garbage and recycling collection lately? We are seeing higher amounts of waste being set out as a result of shifting household routines and shopping habits from the COVID-19. This has led to increased cardboard at the curb. One way you can help us collect your waste more efficiently is to make sure you flatten cardboard and break it up into pieces no larger than two feet in an dimension. This makes sure you can fit more recycling in your blue cart and, come collection day, it can easily tip into the truck. More information on recyclables can be found at
Parks, Recreation & Culture
- Open-
Playgrounds, parks, trails, skateboard parks, bike park, pickle ball courts, tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, lacrosse boxes, sports fields and dog parks are open with a number of guidelines to follow.
There are several fitness classes and summer camps being offered outdoors. A number of arena day camps will be offered from August 4-14 in the Nanaimo Ice Centre. Visit to register.
- Almost Open! -
Our recreation centres are getting ready to welcome you back!
- On Tuesday, August 4, Beban Social Centre will reopen its doors for facility rentals. Recreation programs will begin on Wednesday, September 9.
- Oliver Woods Community Centre will open on Wednesday, September 9 for rentals and recreation programs.
- Bowen Park Complex will open on Wednesday, September 9 for rentals and recreation programs.
- Nanaimo Aquatic Centre (NAC) will open on Thursday, September 10 for both the pool and the fitness gym.
NAC was chosen as the first pool to reopen because of its size and accessibility access. This allows for more participants in the building while still practicing physical distancing guidelines. Recreation staff will use this as a test to determine when Beban pool can safely reopen.
City arenas are getting prepped to reopen! Give us a call at 250-756-5200 for more information.
- One sheet of ice will open at Cliff McNabb Arena on August 3, 2020 for summer programs and rentals (no public skating at this time)
- One sheet of ice added to Nanaimo Ice Centre on September 1, 2020 (if demand dictates)
- One sheet of ice at Frank Crane Arena (if demand dictates; no scheduled date at this time)
- Closed -
For the time being, Beban Pool will remain closed.
Find more information about the City's response on the COVID-19 information page.
In Our Parks
- Our popular Playground Program has been extended until August 29. Kids 5-12 can join our team leaders for fun activities
on the following days:
- Mondays, 11 am-5 pm at MANSFIELD PARK
- Tuesdays, 12-7 pm at COUNTRY HILLS PARK
- Wednesdays, 11 am-5 pm at GROVELAND PARK
- Thursdays, 12-6 pm at PAWSON PARK
- Fridays, 11 am-5 pm at DEVERILL SQUARE PARK
- You can find a schedule for the Water Safety Education Team at
- StoryWalk #3 is at Harewood Centennial Park from August 7-19
Find more information on our Summer Activities page.

Breaking Ground on a New Fire HQ
Last week, we broke ground on the new Fire Station #1. Did you know? The new building will be more than just a fire station. It will also act as headquarters for Nanaimo Fire Rescue department, which includes fire administration, fire loss and
prevention and fire dispatch. In addition, the City's Emergency Coordination Centre will be located there.
Once the new building is up, the existing Fire Station #1 will be torn down. Construction is expected to be complete fall 2022.
Give That Old Couch a New Lease on Life
Do you have a storage room full of household items that you haven't looked at, let alone used, in years? It's time to give them a new home with Nanaimo's city-wide swap meet, Reuse Rendezvous!
This coming weekend (August 8 & 9, 2020), put out your unwanted toys, sporting goods, furniture, books, bikes and other items to the curb so that others can take and reuse them. Put a "free" sticker or sign on them for bargain hunters to find and bring home with them. Please make sure to take any items left over back inside.
Be safe during Reuse Rendezvous! Bargain hunters: please make sure to slow down, watch for children, park carefully and obey traffic signs and speed limits. Please be diligent in observing Provincial COVID-19 guidelines, including: keep 2 meters away from people outside of your bubble; stay home if you're not feeling well; and use hand sanitizer if you're unable to wash your hands. Consider disinfecting any found items before bringing them into your home.

It's Getting Hot Out There!
That warm summer weather has finally settled in and with it brings dry conditions. Stage 2 watering restrictions are in effect for the City of Nanaimo and that means lawn watering may take place every other day for a maximum of two hours between
7 am to 10 am or 7 pm to 10 pm. Vegetable gardens and trees can be watered any day.
- If you live in an odd-numbered house, you may water on odd-numbered days.
- If you live in an even-numbered house, you may water on even-numbered days
Watering restrictions are in place to ensure we have a steady supply of water not just for watering, but also for drinking, cooking, cleaning and for fire fighting. As the weather gets warmer and drier so does the risk for wildfires.
You can help reduce the risk of a wildfire spreading by making sure to follow some basic FireSmart principles for your home:
- Clean your home's roof and gutters of debris
- Remove any dead and dry brush from around your home
- Trim branches overhanging on the roof of your home
- Move any combustibles like firewood and propane 10 to 30 metres from your home
It's also important to make sure if you are recreating with an All-terrain vehicle (ATV) to stick to established trails and bring a small fire suppression kit with you. Hot mufflers and exhaust residue from ATVs can ignite grasses and other dry debris.
Did you know? Nanaimo has been designated a FireSmart community!
Weekly Traffic Report
Our traffic report is back! Here are a couple of projects of note that may affect your commute:
- Expect delays and traffic pattern changes on Bowen Road around the Kenworth Road and Labieux Road intersection while crews work on utility and coridor upgrades. Most work will be done at night from 7 am to 7 pm to accommodate daytime commutes.
- Also on Bowen, traffic will be reduced to single lane near Buttertubs Drive from August 4 to August 18 as crews work on the bus bays. Temporary Bus Stops will be in place at the far end of each location.
- Over on Bruce Avenue, expect delays between Deering Street and Weber Street this week as crews complete work there.
Upcoming Council and Committee Meetings
See you in September...or the last day of August! Council is taking a break from meetings for a few weeks. Their meetings and committee meetings will resume the week of August 31. Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas and past meeting videos.
Council in Action
Missed what decisions Council made during a Special Council Meeting or a Regular Council Meeting? Don’t worry. We have you covered! Check out our Council Meeting Summary page for quick overviews.
Here's a recap of City news: