VIERA Proctor Agreement

Your Commitment

Proctors are a vital part of the Vancouver Island Emergency Response Academy (VIERA) certification program.  Respect, fairness, consistency, and equality are the key elements we must all maintain to ensure the confidence of our stakeholders and to comply with our accreditation from the Pro Board.

As a VIERA Proctor, you have the responsibility of ensuring that this confidence and essential trust is maintained. This means, you must be willing to adhere to the specific rules and to execute a strict process. We rely on your commitment.


Proctor Role

The role of the Proctor is to administer a written exam in a safe and fair manner according to the rules.

A Proctor does not have to be a subject-matter expert but must be a person who holds a position of trust and is approved by VIERA. Positions of trust include, but are not limited to:

  • Fire Chiefs
  • RCMP
  • city or municipal peace officer
  • pastor, teacher, college/university professor or administrator, instructor, evaluator, administrative assistant, etc. 


Before the Written Exam

Are you willing to keep the exams secured in a locked cabinet or in your sight at all times, without exception?               

Will you allow anyone to make copies of the exams?  

Will you send any unused exams back to VIERA?        

When you receive the exam package, will you check the package for the following?    

  • A list of the only candidates eligible to write the exam 
  • The correct exam subject matter
  • The correct number of exams and answer sheets

Will you arrive 30 minutes early at every exam location to complete the following?          

  • set up the space with tables and chairs at least 1 metre apart (or more if COVID precautions required)
  • ensure the location is quiet and free of distractions
  • provide a sharp pencil and an eraser for each student
  • if it is a hazmat exam, departments will provide a current copy of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)

During the Written Exam

Will you execute the following process and read the included scripts?

  1. Take attendance per your registration list, and excuse people not on the list.
  2. Read this script to the candidates:

    “You are here for exam_________________. The emergency exits are located _____________. The location of the washrooms are ___________ so please leave to use them now, if required, because you will not be able to leave once you begin. In the event of an emergency, you will be given the location of the muster station and will be instructed to turn your exams and answer sheets facedown, leave them on the table and exit the room immediately from the nearest exit point and proceed to the muster station. Do not discuss the exam with other candidates during this time. Too much interaction of candidates, with regards to the exam, can lead to termination of the exam session. In that case, all exams and answer sheets will be collected and destroyed. A new date and time will be set and a different preset exam will be provided.

    Please remove all material from the top of your table or desk and place it on the floor beneath the table and shut off all cell phones and pagers for the duration of the session.

    75% is a passing grade, you will be notified of your results within 30 days. If you do not pass, you can request a rewrite at a time that works for your proctor. After a second unsuccessful attempt, you must wait 30 days to rewrite. After a third unsuccessful attempt, you must retake the course."

  3. Distribute exams and answer sheets facedown to each candidate. Once the exams are distributed do not accept any additional people into the evaluation session.
  4. Use the details on the front page of the exam and read this script to candidates:

    “Turn over ONLY the answer sheet. Use the provided HB/2 pencil only. In the ID number area, fill the bubbles in with your assigned VIERA student number. Fill in the bubbles with your last name then first name.  In the test form area, fill in the bubbles with the test version, which is ___.  In the exam number area, fill in the bubbles with the exam number, which is ___.  Write in the date in the middle field, which is ___.

    For exam answers, fill in the circle that corresponds to the letter of your choice. Change an answer by erasing and filling in the new letter. Questions are Multiple Choice or True or False. If the answer is True, mark it 'A', if the answer is False, mark it 'B'. Read the entire question before attempting to answer, and read all possible answers. Select the best answer suited to the question. There are ____ questions on the exam. You have 1.5 minutes per question to complete the exam which is _____total minutes for this exam.

    There is no talking during the exam session. I cannot provide any coaching once the exam has begun. Do you have any questions?

    Once you have completed the exam turn both the exam and answer sheet into me. At that time you may leave the room but you will not be allowed to return until all candidates have completed the exam or the time has expired.

    The time now is XX:XX you have until XX:XX to complete the exam. I will stop you when the time has expired."

  5. When time expires ask candidates to stop and turn exams face down
  6. Collect both exam questions and answer sheets and dismiss any remaining students
  7. Make a note for VIERA about any ambiguous question and include the note in the return exam package
  8. Return all exams and answer sheets to VIERA within 7 days of proctoring

I agree to the rules and processes when proctoring a written exam.

Consent to the above statement.

Thank you for your willingness to uphold this trust through your strict adherence to the processes above.  Welcome and thank you for being a part of VIERA.

Approval will be granted once this form has been submitted and reviewed.  A confirmation email will be sent to you after the review.

Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.

Last updated: March 10, 2025

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Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.