Volunteer Park Ambassador Program
Volunteer Park Ambassadors are individuals who frequent a park or trail on a regular basis. They provide information to park users and report issues to the Parks Operations Department. Ambassadors also help to maintain a personal level of service in our parks, trails and open spaces by their presence, and occasionally assist in tasks such as vandalism and maintenance patrols, and provide input into the overall development and maintenance of the park. They foster positive relationships through information, education and professional role modeling and report any problems or issues. Park Ambassadors can volunteer at any park or trail that is convenient and where there is a need. The following is a list of possible parks where one can volunteer, but there also may be others.
- Beaufort Park
- Beban Park Participark
- Bowen
- Brookwood
- Buttertubs Marsh
- Cable Bay Trail
- Chase River Estuary Park
- Colliery Dam Park
- Diver Lake Park
- Harbourfront Walkway
- Jack Point Park
- Janes Park
- Linley Valley Park
- Lost Lake Park
- Loudon Park
- Maffeo Sutton Park
- Neck Point Park
- Northfield Nature Park
- Pipers Lagoon Park
- Saxer Park
- Woodstream Park
- A one year commitment to visit a designated park or trail on average once a week.
- Checking the conditions of the park, trail or facilities and report any problems found.
- Collecting small amount of garbage and deposit into garbage cans. Larger items are reported to the Parks Operations Department.
- Submitting regular monthly Park Ambassador Reports.
- Answering questions from visitors regarding City of Nanaimo parks and trails.
- Educating visitors about park bylaws and report any infractions or any out of the ordinary observations.
- Identifying and removing invasive plants (if training has been received).
- Identifying and removing graffiti
Last updated: November 14, 2024
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