Downtown Mobility Hub Project

Nanaimo DT Mobility Study Graphic - FINAL


Thank you to everyone who joined us during the past year to talk about the Nanaimo Downtown Mobility Hub.

The focus has been to identify and advance short-term projects that could built in the next 5 years to take achievable steps towards the vision of a safer, inclusive, and connected downtown Nanaimo.

Through November and December 2019, we were pleased to share initial concepts for priority downtown transportation projects and hear your feedback. The information we received is being used to evaluate the initial concept directions, consider improvements, and confirm candidate priority projects to carry forward into next steps.

Please take a few minutes to review the  Public Engagement Summary - Community Engagement 2 available now!



In the coming months, we will be developing detailed designs for initial priority projects. Watch for announcements later this spring about opportunities to review detailed designs before they are advanced towards construction. 



Concepts Being Explored 

The ideas above weren’t the only ideas suggested – but they are the ones that best fit the objectives of advancing short-term improvements for the downtown. That doesn’t mean that all ideas, both big and small, aren’t important. These are recorded for use in future planning and operational improvements. Learn more in the summary of feedback here.



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T: 250-754-4251





  • Progress
  • Documents
  • Details


    What’s a mobility hub?

    A mobility hub is a concentrated area of activity including transportation options and connections, employment, recreational opportunities, housing, and shopping. Areas with concentrated activities are highly sustainable as they reduce the need for driving long distances. Rather, complete, compact communities can provide citizens the amenities and opportunities they need through sustainable modes of transportation, particularly as our City grows.

    What about previous studies that have been done? Are they still relevant? 

    The City is building on previous studies to take a cohesive approach to downtown mobility that integrates the ideas, visions, and aspirations previously identified. The goal is to use the studies done to date to confirm and select priority projects that can built in the next 5 years.  

    What are the objectives of the project?

    The ultimate goal of the Downtown Mobility Project is change on the ground. The process will identify feasible options and priority projects that could move forward to detailed design and construction in the short-term. Public engagement is a key part of the process to ensure that community aspirations are being met. 

    Will all the concepts shown be built?

    All the projects shown are subject to consideration and approval by Council before they are built. This engagement is an opportunity to understand people’s thoughts and concerns so they can be factored into design refinements and ultimately a decision whether to move forward or not with a given project.

    Will all options identified during the Project move forward?

    The public engagement process and previous plans have identified many ideas for improving transportation in the downtown. The graphic below describes how ideas have been sorted:
    • This project focuses on short-term projects – those that can be achieved in the next 5 years and that demonstrate concrete steps towards the downtown vision.
    • The process identified a number of long-term ideas that will continue to be part of Nanaimo’s planning for the future, but with complexities that make it more difficult to define a timeline. Many of these ideas will continue to be worked through other initiatives.
    • The process also identified smaller-scale issues. These will be addressed through ongoing operational improvements.


  • Background


    The 2014 Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan identifies seven “mobility hubs” in the City. It is envisioned that these hubs will be core areas for living and working, connected through an exceptional network that encourages people to use sustainable modes of transportation. Making these spaces highly walkable, bikeable, and attractive for transit is an essential goal.
    Mobility Hub Map from TMP


    The Downtown Mobility Hub contains some of the City’s highest population and employment densities – and ongoing growth in the downtown is on the horizon. You don’t have to look far to see the new construction underway, creating more spaces for people to live right in the heart of Nanaimo. The Transportation Master Plan identifies several opportunities for the downtown including a new downtown transit exchange, cycling facilities, and streetscape improvements as key components to making downtown a more successful mobility hub. 
    The City is planning Nanaimo’s future for the next 25 years including how we live, work, move, and shop. Previous projects and public engagement have articulated a strong vision for an integrated downtown transportation network that safely and comfortably accommodates pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists. The City wants to confirm the issues and opportunities for the Downtown Mobility Hub, develop potential options, and understand public priorities so that the City can select and ultimately develop projects that make concrete progress towards the envisioned future for Nanaimo’s downtown – a strong, sustainable, and economically prosperous hub.

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