eTown Hall Meetings

Welcome to the City of Nanaimo eTown Hall page. Here you will find information related to upcoming eTown Hall events.  

Participate in the budget process!

Preparations are underway for the City of Nanaimo's 2025 Draft Budget. You will have a number of opportunities to review, ask questions and provide input leading up to an eTown Hall on Monday, December 2.

Attend or view draft budgets and project plans when they are presented to Council over the course of three Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings. All meetings are located in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium:

  • November 27, 2024, 9 am: Budget overview, 2025 Key Initiatives and 2025 Draft Project Plan. If more time is needed, discussion of these topics will carry over to November 29 at 9 am. 
  • December 2, 2024, 7 pm:  eTown Hall
  • December 4, 2024, 9 am: External organizations will provide presentations.
  • December 6, 2024, 9 am: Recap of the 2025-2029 Draft Financial Plan 

View meeting agendas, documents and videos.

What is an eTown Hall?

At a regular Town Hall meeting, you can attend in person and ask Council questions related to a specific subject in an open forum. The 'e' stands for 'electronic,' and with eTown Hall events, there are additional opportunities to participate. These include: the City’s website, Facebook page, Twitter feed (using #NanaimoTH) and in person at the meeting.

Past eTown Hall meetings

Disclaimer:  Regular Council and Committee meetings that are open to the public are webcast using live-streaming video technology and recorded for video-on-demand access for subsequent viewing. By speaking at these meetings, you are consenting to disclosure of any personal information made evident through your speech or presentation materials. Personal information may include your image, name, address, and personal opinions. Individuals presenting to Council or Committees are requested to not disclose third-party information or it may be redacted.

If you have any questions, please contact the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or

Last updated: December 13, 2024

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