Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the Tree Donation Program main page.
1. Why are donation trees limited to certain locations? Can I plant another location?
We select locations for donation trees based on where they are going to provide the greatest benefit to our environment and where we can easily monitor, water and care for them, thus ensuring they have the maximum opportunity to live long and thrive. Every year new planting areas will be selected.
2. What happens if my tree dies, is damaged or vandalized?
Anytime within the first 10 years of the tree being planted, should it suffer irreparable damage or death, we will replace it for no extra charge.
3. Why does it cost this much?
The cost covers the purchase of a large nursey tree as well as its planting, all needed materials including soil and fertilizer and ongoing maintenance including watering for up to five years and pruning. It also covers replacement costs should that be required.
4. How do I know which is my tree?
NanaimoMap program available on our website. It will be designated as a donated tree and include the identifying information and any dedication or description you provide.
5. Why can’t I select the tree species?
We will select the trees based on characteristics that will be best suited for conditions of the planting location and to ensure we get the right variety and mix of new trees. Additionally, tree species availability can be extremely variable from year to year making it difficult to it coordinate the order of a large variety of specific species.
6. Can anyone donate a tree? What reasons can I donate a tree for?
Any individual or organization can donate a tree. You are not required to be a resident of the City of Nanaimo. Reasons for donating are various and will include; as a way of giving back to your community, remembering a deceased family member or friend, paying tribute to someone for community contributions, to celebrate the birth of a new child etc.
7. Why is there an annual tree quota? Why first come first served?
In order to ensure that trees have the highest possible success rate and receive the best possible care, we can only plant what is within our capacity to maintain. Because of there is a maximum limit of trees we can receive we must operate this system on a first come, first served basis. Payment must be made in full in order to secure your tree.
8. How will my donation be recognized?
Upon acceptance of your application and payment, you will receive a certificate of gratitude for your donation. Your tree will also be inventoried and mapped in NanaimoMap GIS mapping system, along with the information you provide. Your donation will also be marked on a tree donation honour board located close to where your tree is planted.
9. Can I take part in the tree planting?
The tree will be planted by Horticultural professionals. If you would like to play a part in the planting, we will leave some mulch close to where your tree is planted so you may “finish the planting” by topping up the hole and creating a well-defined tree well. Mulching must be completed within 1 month of the planting date.
10. When will my tree be planted?
We cannot know with certainty when the tree planting date will be. Our annual tree planting window is between October 1st and May 31st of any given year. The exact date of planting will depend on when our tree orders arrive, weather conditions and other scheduling considerations. We will do our best to inform you ahead of time and we will notify you once your tree has been planted.
11. Can I decorate my tree with mementos or leave flowers?
For maintenance and environmental reasons, please do not leave any items with your tree. Items left behind will be cleared by maintenance staff.
12. Why do you not place plaques on or next to the trees?
Through this program, our primary aim is to build our Urban Forest. We do not wish to cover the environment with multiple small signs. Additionally; plaques are prone to damage, vandalism and theft. Your donation will be recognised on the honour board at the planting location and online at NanaimoMap.
13. How do I apply for a donation tree?
Our preferred method is that you apply online using the on-line form. If you are unable to apply on-line, you can apply in person at the front counter of the City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre at 411 Dunsmuir Street.
14. How can I make a payment?
Once you have applied on-line, someone will contact you with confirmation of your request. You will be directed to make payment at the front counter of the City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre located at 411 Dunsmuir Street. We can accept cash, cheque, Debit, Visa or Mastercard.
15. What if I would like to donate several trees?
In order to ensure fairness, you are limited to one tree per individual or organization per year. If you wish to donate more funds in order to assist us with the development of our Urban Forest, thank you! We can take larger donations and set them aside for other tree planting initiatives.
Last updated: November 15, 2024
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