Area of Impact

Water Resources


Environmental Flow

Integrated Policy & Action Areas

Reporting Period Data

Period Score
2022 93%
2023 87%

Sustainability End Goal

Water discharge at Nanaimo River near Cassidy is at or above 3.9 cubic meters per second.  And to maintain this flow every day between the third Friday of August and October 31 to support salmon rearing.


Number of days between the third Friday of Aug and Oct 31 when water discharge is at or above 3.9 m3/s
Number of days between the third Friday of Aug and Oct 31

How The Score Is Calculated

If there are 74 days between the third Friday of August and October 31 and the water discharge is at or above 3.9 m3/s in 69 of those days, then the score is 69 days/74 days = 93% for that year.

Indicator Data

Rationale and Analysis

Why We Measure This

The City has an obligation to manage water resources in a way that supports our living environment.  The City monitors the environmental flow to support salmon rearing given salmon’s important role in our environment.  The Nanaimo River Management Plan sets the minimum fish habitat maintenance flow required.  This is set at Water Survey Canada (WSC) station 08HB034 is 3.90 m3/sec during the critical period for salmon rearing.

How We Measure It

Water Survey Canada’s website publishes real-time discharge data. Annually, City Staff reviews the data and records the number of days the water discharge is at or above 3.9 m3/s between the third Friday of August and October 31 every year.


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