Area of Impact



Municipal Residential Waste Diversion

Integrated Policy & Action Areas

Reporting Period Data

Period Score
2017 71%
2018 72%
2019 73%
2020 72%
2021 72%
2022 71%
2023 68%

Sustainability End Goal

Achieve municipal residential waste diversion rates at or above 90%.


Percentage of residential waste diverted from landfill in a year
Residential waste diversion rate of 90%

How The Score Is Calculated

If the residential waste diversion rate of a particular year is 65%, then the score is 65%/90% = 72%.

Indicator Data

Rationale and Analysis

Why We Measure This

To support this regional goal by 2029, the City is committed to reaching at least 90% residential waste diversion rate. There is currently no way to track commercial waste generated in the city.

How We Measure It

The City’s Public Works department tracks residential curbside collection data.  They also calculate total diversion rates each year.  This includes the amount of garbage, recycling and organics collected.
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