Freedom of the City


Resident of Nanaimo



Past Recipients

PortraitNameDate Issued
salterCharles E. SalterJune 24, 1940
southalbertaSouth Alberta RegimentApril, 1941
pearsonGeorge S. Pearson (M.L.A.)February 5, 1951
lowsonSir Denys Lowson
(Lord Mayor of London)
September 10, 1951
barsbyJohn Barsby (Mayor)November 3, 1958
harrisonVictor B. Harrison (Mayor)November 3, 1958
muirGeorge Muir (Mayor)November 3, 1958
westwoodHonourable Earle C. Westwood (Mayor)November 3, 1958
hackwoodHarold Hackwood
(City Controller)

June 27, 1960
maffeoPeter Maffeo (Mayor)January 8, 1968
picnotavailableThe Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's)October 5, 1974
glenA. Rod Glen
(Greater Nanaimo Water District Board, Chairman of City of Nanaimo Restructure Committee)
November 23, 1978
nicholsonHoward Nicholson (City Clerk)November 14, 1980
douglasThomas C. Douglas (M.P.)May 25, 1981
hallGertrude L. "Happy" Hall (Alderman)May 25, 1981
neyFrank James Ney (Mayor)December 3, 1984
rowledgeR. F. (Bob) Rowledge
(Director of Finance)
May 11, 1988
canscottishregimentThe Canadian Scottish RegimentMay 20, 1990
strongitharmMargaret S. StrongitharmSeptember 30, 1996
saleDonald Thomas SaleOctober 1, 1997
hmcsnanaimoHer Majesty's Canadian Ship NANAIMOMarch 1997
wongChuck WongDecember 2, 2002
rispinDoug RispinSeptember 29, 2003
brookbankRay BrookbankSeptember 29, 2008
fergusonAlex FergusonSeptember 29, 2008
kellyTed KellySeptember 29, 2008
medlandKen MedlandSeptember 29, 2008
moffatJim MoffattSeptember 29, 2008
sedolaGino SedolaSeptember 29, 2008
virostkoAlex VirostkoSeptember 29, 2008
murielmckaythumbMuriel McKay RossNovember 22, 2010
freemandianajohnstoneDiana JohnstoneFebruary 16, 2015

diannebrennanDiane BrennanJune 21, 2021

A photo of John RuttanJohn RuttanSeptember 9, 2024
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