January 16, 2023 Regular Council Summary

Rise and Report

  • Councillors Thorpe and Perrino were appointed to serve on the Tourism Nanaimo Society Board of Directors for a period of two years.  Councillor Eastmure was appointed as the Alternate.
  • Councillor Hemmens was appointed to serve as a non-voting Director on the Nanaimo Prosperity Corporation Board for a period of two years.  Councillor Armstrong was appointed as the Alternate.
  • Councillor Brown was appointed to serve on the Nanaimo Systems Planning Organization Society Board of Directors for a period of two years.  Councillor Hemmens was appointed as the Alternate.
  • Councillors Manly and Perrino were appointed to sit with the Mayor on the Protocol Agreement Working Group with Snuneymuxw First Nation.
  • Councillors Manly and Perrino were appointed to sit with the Mayor on the Tripartite with Snuneymuxw First Nation and the Nanaimo Port Authority.
  • Councillors Thorpe and Hemmens were appointed to sit with the Mayor on the Nanaimo Port Authority/City of Nanaimo Liaison Committee.
  • Councillor Eastmure was appointed to the Design Advisory Panel.  Councillor Armstrong was appointed as the Alternate.


Andrea Paris spoke regarding Zonta International’s event on March 8 which aims to raise awareness of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Section 10a

Nuisance Properties

Council declared 264 Nicol Street and 430 Murray Street as nuisance properties. The property owners can now be charged for municipal services, including policing, required to address nuisance activity at those locations.

Section 11a,b

Development Around Nanaimo 

Council issued a Development Permit for 223 Victoria Road, to allow for a muti-family development.

Section 11c

A Rezoning Application for 488 and 492 Fifth Street, to facilitate a multi-family development, passed two readings.

Section 11d


“Waterworks Rate and Regulation Amendment Bylaw 2023, No. 7004.20” (A bylaw to add a bulk water rate and water hauling rate) passed three readings.

Section 11e

Bylaw Updates

“Financial Plan Bylaw 2022 No. 7359” (To confirm and adopt the 2023 – 2027 Financial Plan) was adopted.

Section 12a

“Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2022 No. 7159.18" (to assign fines for violations associated with the Storm Sewer Regulation and Fee Bylaw) was adopted.

Section 12b

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