This week, our popular tree voucher program is back, Council marks one year in office and Nanaimo remembers.
Read on to see what else is in store for Nanaimo this week!
Fall back!
Did you remember to fall back this past weekend? Daylight Savings officially ended at 2 am on Sunday which means turn the clocks back one hour. This is also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms!
Now that it is dark earlier in the evening, make sure to take extra care on the roads. Here are some helpful tips for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers.
Add some green to your yard
Our popular tree voucher program is back! Beginning November 4, 2019, property owners can drop by the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street) between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday and purchase a $25 voucher. When you bring it to Green Thumb Nursery, they will give you a tree worth up to $90! There are a limited number of vouchers available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Maximum two vouchers per property.
Nanaimo remembers
Take time to remember on November 11 by joining in on Nanaimo's Remembrance Day ceremonies hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion Nanaimo branch. A parade will make its way through downtown where it will end at the Dallas Square cenotaph for the wreath ceremony.
Get Out and About in November!
Upcoming Community Events:
- Tuesday, November 5: Glow in the Dark Skate, 6:30 to 8 pm in Frank Crane Arena
- Thursday, November 7: Musical Entertainment, 1:30 to 3 pm in the Bowen Park Auditorium. This week featuring Flashback Freddy.
- Sunday, November 10: Lions FREE Skate, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in Frank Crane Arena
Find a complete list of City-related events at www.nanaimo.ca/goto/events.
Construction Updates
You can follow project progress and learn about detours that may affect your commute by going to our Current Construction Projects page.
Here is an overview of our current construction zones:
- Plan ahead if you are in the Hammond Bay area as the Hammond Bay Road widening and storm improvements project continues and delays should be expected. 24-hour single-lane traffic will be in place until mid-November.
- Bruce Avenue is NOW OPEN!! However, work is still going on as they finish up the project. Expect single lane alternating traffic when necessary.
- Seventh Street is closed between Park Avenue and Stirling Avenue Monday November 4 to Friday November 8 to facilitate repair work in the Chase River Bridge. Construction on the project continues is expected to be completed in November.
- Work on Haliburton Street will continue until spring 2020. Single lane alternating traffic will be in effect at times during working hours while work is ongoing. Some delays on Haliburton Street can be expected.

What's New
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 marks one year since Mayor and Council were sworn into office. Stay connected to Council! How? Well, if you want to find out what decisions they made in their meetings you can do any of the following:
Read: Council Meeting Summaries that provide a rundown of the decisions made at each Council and Governance and Priorities Committee (GPC).
Watch: Council meetings live or later at a more convenient time for you! On this page you can also review the reports to Council that help them with their decision making.
Review: Council's Strategic Priorities 2019-2022 Plan and learn about their key focus areas around the four strategic themes - Environmental Responsibility, Good Governance, Livability, and Economic Health.
Here’s at look at this week's Council and Committee meetings:
- Monday, November 4: Governance and Priorities Meeting at 1 pm in the Service and Resource Centre Boardroom, 411 Dunsmuir Street
- Monday, November 4: Regular Council Meeting at 7 pm in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium
- Thursday, November 7: Public Hearing at 7 pm Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium
Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas and past meeting videos or visit the Council Meeting Summaries page to read a recap of decisions made in previous meetings.

Here's a recap of City-related news from last week:
- City of Nanaimo and Port of Nanaimo Sign Protocol Agreement
- Updated Council Procedure Bylaw comes into effect this week
- City's green initiatives place Nanaimo as a top BC energy saver
- City seeking input on an Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness
- Nanaimo Youth Wellness Centre bolsters health care for youth and young adults
- Community Remembers Fallen Soldiers in Remembrance Day Project
- City of Nanaimo among twenty-five municipalities across Canada selected for an intensive pilot with the leading global climate initiative