
From DOS to Does It All!

Nov 27, 2012

To say that I was interested in taking the “City of Nanaimo Social Media” training program put on by my employers would be a bit of an understatement.  I was enthralled by learning the ins and outs of doing business in the age of Social Media.  To learn about how the rules have changed with its inception. I am a child of the computer age.  It hasn’t always been a part of my life; I remember getting our first clunky, slow family PC at the age of 14 years.  I started my pixilated, sluggish games in DOS.  DOS!

(Was that a murmur of warm sentiment I just heard?  On the other hand, if you are asking yourself “What’s DOS??” most likely this article doesn’t quite relate to you yet.  And...well, I’m a bit jealous.) 

I didn’t take typing classes, as my classmates two years senior to me did.  I took something innovative.  I took keyboarding.  I took a class in data processing.  I had the option of learning some crude computer programming, but I decided to veer toward computer based accounting, instead.  Yes.  I believed that computers couldn’t get more complex.

Then they did.  The World Wide Web as we know it today, the cornucopia of information, entertainment and interactions at the press of a few keys.  Smart phones.  Everything that our ancient PC could do, and more, can be done by my handheld device!  That blows my mind.  Twenty years and lifetimes worth of change later, people are connecting in unprecedented ways.  People are doing business in unprecedented ways.  People are learning to communicate differently.  What’s unique about Social Networking in the business world is that it’s not just about the dollars and cents.  Social Media adds a personal element that wasn’t there before, in the cold, mathematical digital world; an easy, casual ‘relationship’ between those who provide the services and those who use them...a personal touch in an otherwise impersonal environment.

During our class, I noticed in a portion entitled “Analytics,” that the largest demographic using our City of Nanaimo online tools are women, between the ages of 20 – 40.  A significantly large portion of our online activity on the City of Nanaimo webpage, IREG (our online registration program), our Facebook page and Twitter accounts, is thanks to this group.  I wondered aloud to the facilitators what else we are doing to provide this specific group with specific, exceptional online service that caters to them...

And that was how this segment of our Blog was born.  Ladies, (and Gentlemen – this is not an exclusive club) I’m not only the author, I’m a member!  I fall smack dab in the middle of that demographic.  My name is Janna.  I work part time as a Clerk for the Business Services Department at Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture.  I am also a full time <air quote> Domestic Engineer <end air quote>, part time Home School Teacher, and, now, occasional Bloggess.  You like the term?  Me, too.  Sounds glamorous.


In other words, I’m the voice that you might hear on the other end of the phone when you call our switchboard.  I’m the woman who may register your child in his or her first Preschool or Day Camp program.  I’m that goofy person who introduces herself as “Janna Banana” to you and your child when you come swimming.  I’m the mom that stands beside you, craning her neck to see her toddler prancing around in her tutu at Baby Ballet.  I’m the frazzled, but happy home educator who is trying to wrangle the screaming two year old at Buttertubs Marsh while teaching her two other elementary aged children about the life cycle of a frog...


With Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture, as a citizen, a customer and as an employee, my life has been enriched.   I’ve had so many wonderful experiences that are too good to keep to myself.  And I hope that soon, I can share these experiences with you.  Anecdotes that you can relate to...ideas on how to spend a family afternoon at one of our beautiful parks...programs and events that you won’t want to miss...craft and activity inspiration... We’ll talk soon!


Janna Logan works part time as a Clerk for the Business Services Department at Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture.  She's also a full time <air quote> Domestic Engineer <end air quote>, part time Home School Teacher, and, now, occasional Bloggess.

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