In this edition of My Nanaimo This Week, property tax notices have been mailed, the Harewood Centennial Park skateboard park is nearing completion and tips for staying safe on, in and near the water are shared. Read on to find out more!
COVID-19 Adjusting to Phase II
Corporate Services
Although our doors remain closed, the City is definitely open for business! Check out our Online Services page to see how we can help you.
Public Works
City staff continue regular garbage, recycling and organics collection. Don't forget about the collection schedule tool, which offers a simple way to help you remember your waste collection day.
Do you have quarantine cardboard stacking up at home? Save space in your blue cart by flattening boxes and cutting down oversize pieces. Pieces should be no larger than 2 feet by 2 feet (60 x 60 cm) so they don't overload the compactors in the trucks. To find depots that accept extra cardboard for free and for more curbside recycling tips visit the recycling section of the City's website.
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Parks, trails, skateboard parks, Steve Smith Bike Park, sport courts and dog parks have re-opened with a number of guidelines to follow to
ensure they remain open and to keep everyone safe.
Playgrounds and indoor recreation facilities, such as recreation centres, arenas and pools, as well as City-owned cultural venues remain closed pending reopening guidelines being worked on right now between the Ministry of Health, WorkSafe
BC and other professional organizations, including the BC Recreation and Parks Association.
Please stay tuned as we follow the Province's lead and take a step-by-step approach in opening up our facilities!
The City of Nanaimo is supporting Loaves and Fishes Food Bank, Nanaimo Foodshare and Island Roots Market by providing access to recreation facilities that would otherwise be closed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These organizations continue to provide very important services to the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, through the "Empties 4 Food", the "Good Food Boxes" programs and the Island Roots Market.
Find more information about the City's response on the COVID-19 information page.
Property Tax Time
Property tax notices have been mailed. If you are registered with MyCity, you can view yours online. The 2020 property tax due date is July 2, 2020, but this year the first penalty date has been extended to October 1, 2020. You can pay property taxes using one of the following
✔ through your financial institution - online, on the phone or in-person;
✔ mail with the postage-paid envelope included with your property tax mailout;
✔ drop your cheque into the dropbox beside the front doors at the Service
and Resource Centre at 411 Dunsmuir Street
✔ in person at a pop-up tax payment office open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Beban Park at the Frank Crane Arena box office (2300 Bowen Road).
A number of safety measures are in place to maintain physical distancing. Anyone who is not feeling well should stay home and only one person per household may visit the office at any one time. Please note: due to COVID-19 safety protocols, only debit and cheques will be accepted as payment.
Don't forget to claim your Home Owner Grant, this online service is available now until the end of December. You'll need your folio number and access code found on your Property Tax Notice.
If you did not receive your property tax notice or have any questions, please call 250-755-4415.
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Nanaimo's newest skateboard park in Harewood Centennial Park, is almost complete! Scheduled to open late June, this park will be a world-class facility and has been described as a one-of-a-kind skateboard park for Vancouver Island. Stay tuned for more opening details.
Follow @nanaimoparksandrec on Instagram or visit the Isolation Recreation web page for
fun, interactive activities such as the wellness wave, bingo, a scavenger hunt, #isolationrecreation ideas and spot the differences
Water Safety
As City aquatic facilities, programs and safety supervision by lifeguards have yet to reopen to the public, here are some reminders to ensure you stay safe in, on and around the water.
- Actively supervise young children & stay within arms-length reach
- Always swim with a buddy
- Be a safe boater: Wear your PFD - they save lives!
- When boating, make a float plan and communicate it to a friend
- Be sober and aware of boat load capacity
- In a boat, remain low and avoid sudden movements
- Carry necessary equipment
- Ensure equipment is in good condition
- Know the weather, water conditions and local hazards
- Be knowledgeable about what to do in an emergency
The Transport Canada website on Recreational Boating has more information available to help you stay safe.
Upcoming Council and Committee Meetings
- May 28, Design Advisory Panel Meeting, 5 p.m.
- June 01, Regular Council Meeting, 7 p.m.
- June 03, Environment Committee Meeting, 3 p.m.
- June 05, Special Mayor's Task Force on Recovery and Resilience, 9 a.m.
Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas and past meeting videos or visit the Council Meeting Summaries page to read a recap of decisions made in previous meetings.
Here's a recap of City news: