In this edition of My Nanaimo, playgrounds re-open, we acknowledge BC Senior's Week and the pop-up tax payment office remains open at Beban's Frank Crane Arena.
BC Seniors' Week
This year, Seniors' Week runs June 1-7, 2020 and is a time to celebrate seniors and acknowledge the integral part seniors play in communities across British Columbia. Visit the Senior Recreation page on the City's website for information on City of Nanaimo
senior recreation programs, to learn how to become a Nanaimo Harbour City Senior member and to view June At-Home Wellness Newsletter.
Parks, Recreation & Culture Open Playgrounds
Parks, trails, skateboard parks, Steve Smith Bike Park, sport courts, dog parks and now playgrounds are open with a number of guidelines to follow to ensure they remain open and to keep everyone safe.
The recreation coordinator team continues to post interactive activities on their Instagram page @nanaimoparksandrec.
Indoor facilities, such as City Hall, Service and Resource Centre, recreation centres, arenas and pools, as well as City-owned cultural venues remain closed as staff work on guidelines. To help with the reopening process, a guiding document "Guideline for Restarting Operations" developed by the BC Recreation and Parks Association in consultation with the Province, WorkSafe BC and other professional organizations was released last week.
The City is open for business online! Check out our Online Services page to see how we can help you. Find more information about the City's response on the COVID-19 information page.
Pride Month
Mayor Krog proclaims June Pride Month. The Pride flag will be flying at City Hall for the month of June and June 8-30 the Bastion will be lit in rainbow in honour of this proclamation.
Property Tax Time
Property tax notices have been mailed. If you are registered with MyCity, you can view yours online. Watch the video below to learn about the many methods in which you can pay and review some of the guidelines in place when paying in person.
Don't forget to claim your Home Owner Grant! You'll need your folio number and access code found on your Property Tax Notice. If you did not receive your property tax notice or have any questions, please call 250-755-4415.
Bowen Road Upgrades
There will be upgrades to underground infrastructure and the roadway on Bowen Road between the Old Island Highway (Highway 19A) and Labieux Road beginning June 8, 2020. Construction will take place at night from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and is expected to be complete in November 2020.
Noteworthy project improvements include watermain replacement, new road surface, center medians, pedestrian safety improvements, raised cycle lanes and right-sized travel lanes. For further information, updates and frequently asked questions, please visit
the project website at www.nanaimo.ca/goto/Bowen.Upcoming Council and Committee Meetings
- June 03, Special Environment Committee, 3 p.m.
- June 05, Special Mayor's Task Force on Recovery and Resilience, 9 a.m.
- June 08, Special Council Meeting, 1 p.m.
Visit the Meetings, Documents and Videos page on the City website to view upcoming meetings, agendas
and past meeting videos or visit the Council Meeting Summaries page to read a recap of decisions made in previous
meetings.Here's a recap of City news: