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Snow Update: Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Light flurries and near zero degree temperatures continue to lead to slippery road surfaces. If you are out today, please be careful. Plan your route appropriately and be patient out there.
Snow Clearing
City crews continue to clear priority one, two and three routes today. Winter road conditions can be expected with packed snow, slushy or icy sections and narrowed road widths. Crews have been asked to be aware of sidewalks and make every effort to not bury them.
Please also remember that City trucks may slip and slide in these conditions as well, and some of these are extremely heavy vehicles. Give plenty of space for everyone's safety.
Garbage and Recycling
collection resumes today but with the varying state of road conditions, not all
collections will be successful. The City crews will take it slow and steady, sticking
to roads that they are able to navigate with the large vehicles.
Residents can help by placing their carts either in the cleared portion of their driveway or another cleared section next to the curb. Please do not place carts in the roadway, as that will impede ongoing snow clearing operations.
Parks, Recreation & Culture
- All facilities are open.
- All registered programs are running as usual unless otherwise notified.
- Snow removal is still happening around facilities this morning, so please be cautious as conditions may vary.
Services and Supports
This page provides a list of the emergency shelter, nutrition and hygiene services available to unsheltered or precariously housed residents of Nanaimo. For more information, visit the Services and Supports page on the City website.
How can you help?
Please do your best to remove snow and ice from sidewalks in front of your property within 24 hours, so that pedestrians have a safe place to walk and can stay clear of oncoming traffic. Please do not shovel snow onto the road. If you know of someone who may need a helping hand, please reach out to them.
Once the snow begins to melt and where it is safe, if you know the location of a catch basin or storm drain near your home or business, clearing the snow can help reduce the chance of flooding in your neighbourhood. Staying ahead of the melt is the best way to avoid flooding, but if flooding occurs, sand and sand bags for filling (bring a shovel and ties) are available at the Public Works yard. To report flooding, please call Public Works 24-hour hotline at 250-758-5222. For more information, visit the Flood Control page on the City website.
The City clears sidewalks around parks, bridges, commuter trails and major City facilities as quickly as staff can get to them.
Find more information on the City's response to Snow and Ice.
Thanks for your patience and for staying safe out there, Nanaimo.
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