Amenity Cost Charge Bylaw Project

Amenity Cost Charges (ACCs) help a municipality recover the costs of amenities that provide social, cultural, heritage, recreational, or environmental benefits to a community. ACCs closely resemble Development Cost Charges (DCCs) because they are based on the principle of cost-sharing charges for one-time capital costs for amenity projects. The amenity projects must benefit current and future users and be driven by growth. ACCs are regulated by the Province (similar to DCCs).

An ACC bylaw will allow the City to impose charges at the time of subdivision or building permit, to assist in paying for the capital costs of eligible community amenities. The ACC bylaw must specify the amenities that will receive funding, and the charge or rate that is imposed (per lot, per unit, or per square metre of floor area), similar to a DCC bylaw. A separate ACC Reserve Fund is established for the ACC funds, and rules apply as to how the reserve fund can be used with annual reporting requirements.

To proceed with the development of the ACC program it is necessary to determine what facilities or amenities are eligible to be supported with ACC funds. The proposed facility or amenity must have the potential to benefit all current and future residents of Nanaimo. For this reason, Council endorsed the following three facilities to be supported with ACC funds:

  • Improvements and expansions at Beban Park;
  • Improvements and expansions in the Stadium District; and
  • A community wellness facility in the Southgate Urban Centre.

The inclusion of amenity projects in the ACC program does not obligate the City to construct all facilities. At the time ACC funds are eligible to be spent, the City can choose from the three facilities listed above. Note that Staff will be reviewing the City’s Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Policy as part of the ACC program development, as amendments to the CAC Policy will likely be recommended for Council consideration to ensure the CAC policy aligns well with a potential new ACC bylaw.

For more information about the Amenity Cost Charge Bylaw Project please contact Lisa Brinkman, Manager Community Planning:

  • Progress

    The steps in the development of the ACC program are as follows:

    1. The ACC program timeframe (typically between 10-25 years) will be considered. The projects identified in the ACC programs should reflect infrastructure and amenities needed to meet the needs of growth within the specified timeframes.
    1. ACC project costs are determined. ACC programs are comprised of multiple projects with capital cost estimates. Each project is assessed to evaluate the benefit to new growth versus existing development, and only those costs allocated to growth are included in the rate calculation.
    1. Equivalency Factor: The equivalency factor ensures fairness so that developments with a higher impact on infrastructure pay more than those with a lower impact.
    1. Assist Factor: Legislation requires local governments to assist with the cost of ACC projects. Council will have the opportunity to consider and determine the assist factor.
    1. Communication and Engagement: ACC programs require community engagement and transparency as part of the approval process. A communication strategy will be implemented for the ACC program in 2025.
  • Documents
  • Details
  • Background
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