Bradley Street Traffic Calming

The traffic calming process including data collection, conceptual design, public engagement, and internal stakeholders consultations began in 2023.  Currently, in the Summer of 2024 the Transportation department is seeking feedback from residents regarding the conceptual design for traffic calming measures on Bradley Street.

We need your feedback! It is important to us that we know what you think about this plan. Please fill out the below survey no later than 2024-OCT-07.  If there is not enough support from the community, the traffic calming plan may not proceed.

The project proposed traffic calming features such as planters, curbs and intersection narrowing with flexible bollards. The final design will take into consideration the feedback from stakeholders, including residents in the area, the Bradley Street Neighbourhood Association, as well as from internal stakeholders including Nanaimo Fire Rescue.  The proposed options can be found below under the link "Bradley Street Traffic Calming Options".

These traffic calming features are anticipated to moderate speeds on Bradley Street, while seeking to minimize inconvenience for road users using Bradley Street to access the neighbourhood.  We also aim to maintain accepted response time targets for emergency vehicles.

We have taken snow and ice control into account by offering temporary features that can be changed or removed if City crews indicate this is necessary to achieve effective winter maintenance.

Bradley Street Traffic Calming Survey

Staying Connected

We welcome your feedback! If you have any questions, concerns or ideas to share, please contact us.

By Email:

By Phone:  250-755-4460 ext. 4385

By Mail:  Engineering Department, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5J6


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