The Georgia Greenway "Slow Street"

What is the Georgia Greenway?

The Georgia Greenway is a proposed 3.1km active transportation corridor through Harewood that promotes greater pedestrian and cycling activity.  Once fully completed, it will link a number of key destinations across the community including schools, parks, sport fields, and commercial areas.

The Georgia Greenway will provide an easier alternative to the conventional bike lanes on Bruce Avenue and will be a more attractive route for families, children, seniors, and less experienced cyclists.

Phase 1 of the Georgia Greenway was officially opened for public use in April, 2019.  The opening event was part of the Nanaimo Earth Day 2019 celebrations.

For more information on Phase 1, check out the Project Page.


Phase 2 continues Spring 2024

Phase 2 will expand the Georgia Greenway by creating a bike and pedestrian friendly “Slow Street” with construction work focused between Fifth Street and Sixth Street. It includes:

  • Splitter island at the intersections of Fifth St and Sixth St.
  • A raised pedestrian crossing at Dundas St. by Georgia Elementary School that includes installation of drainage works and concrete landings at both ends.
  • Crossings will have Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI) installed.
  • There will be a new painted pedestrian crossing across Dundas St. 
  • At Sixth St. there will be paint markings added for cyclists crossing.


Please see the In Progress tab for recent photos during construction.


In 2020 the 

  • The speed limit on Georgia Avenue was be lowered to 30 km/h. New speed limit signs were added along Georgia Avenue.
  • Stop signs were switched at Nova Street & Georgia Ave so that those travelling on Georgia Avenue have the right of way. More can be found out about this in the "Background" tab. 
  • Bicycle “sharrows” added. Sharrows are painted on the road using a stencil, and are meant to show that the road needs to be shared with bicycles.


Stay Connected

If you have questions, comments or concerns about Georgia Greenway "Slow Street", please let us know!

By email:

By phone: 250-755-4460, Extension 4230

By mail: Engineering Department, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5J6

  • Progress

    During March 2024 construction work is focused between Fifth Street and Sixth Street. It includes:

    • Splitter island at the intersections of Fifth St and Sixth St.
    • A raised pedestrian crossing at Dundas St. by Georgia Elementary School that includes installation of drainage works and concrete landings at both ends.
    • Crossings will have Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI) installed.
    • There will be a new painted pedestrian crossing across Dundas St. 
    • At Sixth St. there will be paint markings added for cyclists crossing.


    Georgia Avenue and Sixth Street - Splitter Island as of 2024-03-22 (Friday)

    Georgia Avenue at Fifth Street - Splitter Island as of 2024-03-22 (Friday)

    Raised Crossing Georgia Avenue at Dundas as of 2024-03-22 (Friday)

    As of 2024-03-22 - Most of the construction is complete before school is back in session after spring break. The paint lines will be done at the next dry weather days. Please stay vigilant and safe.

  • Documents
  • Details

    The Big Picture shows the scope of the entire project. 

    The image below shows the improvements from Fifth St to Sixth St.

  • Background

    Slow Street

    Georgia Avenue was made a "Slow Street" in 2020. A Slow Street has minimal traffic volume and speed so that people can walk, wheel, and bike safely.

    Why a Slow Street on Georgia Avenue?

    The Georgia Greenway project is meant to implement directives from the 2013 Harewood Neighbourhood Plan, the Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan, and the Official Community Plan. Phase 1 of the Georgia Greenway (Harewood Centennial Park) was finished in 2019.

    Phase 2 started earlier than planned in 2020 when the Covid 19 pandemic began, Nanaimo City Council voted to create a Slow Street on Georgia Avenue, to make it easier for people to stay active and choose walking, wheeling and cycling during those challenging time. 

    Complete Streets and Georgia Greenway

    Complete Streets refers to transportation guidelines and design approaches that support safe and comfortable travel for users of all ages and abilities, regardless of their mode of transportation.

    The Georgia Greenway supports Complete Streets guidelines. While Phase 1 was mostly an off street multi-use trailway, current and future phases will be on existing streets and take Complete Streets guidelines more strongly into account. Want to know more about Complete Streets and how the City of Nanaimo is working to develop our own Complete Streets Guidelines?  Check out the project web page at

    Original Vision

    The proposed active transportation route was first identified in the 2013 Harewood Neighbourhood Plan.  The Neighbourhood Plan includes an Urban Design Framework that is intended to provide overall direction and help guide future development within Harewood. The neighbourhood bikeway is one of the key strategies identified in the plan. The plan states that: 


    The Georgia Greenway is also supported by the Nanaimo Transportation Master Plan, the Harewood Centennial Park Master Plan, and the Official Community Plan.

    Our goal is to create a comfortable experience for users of all ages, abilities, and confidence level by incorporating a variety of pedestrian and cycling facilities such as multi-use pathways, traffic calmed local streets, and improved road crossings. Doing so has the benefit assisting in lowering vehicle speeds in the area making the neighbourhood more welcoming and comfortable for all users.

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