Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan Update
The City of Nanaimo is working to further improve Maffeo Sutton Park. Now the busiest park in Nanaimo, Maffeo Sutton Park has developed over the last 65 years from an industrial site into Nanaimo's destination waterfront park.
- Progress
On November 27, 2017, the draft Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan was presented to Council. At this meeting, Council
- Referred the draft Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan to the Parks, Recreation and Wellness Committee and Community Vitality Committee for input
- Asked staff to post the draft Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan on the City's website for further feedback.
The public is invited to provide feedback to the draft plan by emailing until Monday, January 8 at 4:30 pm.
The draft plan will return to Council in the new year once the feedback has been received.
- Documents
- Details
The draft Maffeo Sutton Park Master Plan is the culmination of significant public engagement, including:
- Two surveys
- Five input sessions or open houses
- Participatory idea flags
- Stakeholder interviews (14 community groups)
In complements other policies and initiatives that the City has in place, such as the Waterfront Walkway Planning and Nanaimo's Strategic Plan Update.
- Background
The original Maffeo Sutton Park Improvement Plan was developed in 2008 with significant input from the community. The Maffeo Sutton Park Spirit Square opened in 2009 and was part of the first phase of park improvements; however, since 2008, the park and downtown waterfront has changed. In 2011, the park expanded by 2.3 acres with addition of 150 Comox Road to the park system. Also, since approval of the 2008 park plan, the City of Nanaimo adopted a Corporate Strategic Plan and begun development negotiations on key properties adjacent to the park. Given these contextual changes, Council endorsed a planning process to update the Maffeo Sutton Improvement Plan.
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