Park Avenue Concept Plan (933 Park Avenue)

The overall aim for the project is to create a graphically rich Concept Plan to meet the following objectives for the land at 933 Park Avenue:

  • Public parkland for all to enjoy
  • Agriculture and Food Security (education and practical practice)
  • Protection of environmentally sensitive areas

This project will take into consideration:

  • The current use and the natural layout and landscape of this property;
  • The direction, goals, and policies of City Plan and the Harewood Neighbourhood Plan;
  • The potential for food sustainability opportunities and farming;
  • Future mobility connectivity to Harewood neighbourhoods, and the broader community;
  • Public recreational opportunities to enjoy nature, as well as observe, learn, move amongst and be a part of this unique ecological setting;
  • Inclusive and accessible design;
  • The environmental and historical significance of this park within the Harewood location and the needs and desires of the community;
  • Input from the neighbourhood stakeholders, using a design charrette meeting, as well as a second consultation process; and
  • Previous community input with respect to this property (including The Five Acres Farm Project: Land Use & Environmental Planning Report – produced by MABRRI 2019)

On December 18, 2023, staff presented a report to Council seeking direction on a preferred land use option before updating the Park Avenue Concept Plan. Council was also given an overview of Phase Two engagement results. The staff report and Council minutes can be found below. 

At the regular December 18, 2023, Council meeting, Council passed the following motion:

It was moved and seconded that Council:

  1. direct staff to incorporate option 5 (carrot) into the draft Park Avenue Concept Plan which includes 5 acres for park use (recreation, farm practices and wetland), and no affordable housing; and,
  2. direct Staff to return to Council with an updated Park Avenue Concept Plan for consideration of endorsement.

The motion carried."


  • Progress
  • Documents
  • Details
  • Background

    Park Avenue Park is located in the Harewood Neighbourhood at 933 Park Avenue. This property is zoned R1 – Single Dwelling Residential, designated Suburban Neighbourhood in the recently adopted City Plan – Nanaimo ReImagined (City Plan), and meets the desire for a potential park in this general area as identified in the 2013 Harewood Neighbourhood Plan.

    In 2019, the City purchased this property to meet several complementary community benefits with potential future uses including community nature park, a protected and productive wetland, a site for community food production and future affordable housing opportunities.  These potential uses align with all five City Plan goals of a Green, Connected, Healthy, Empowered and Prosperous Nanaimo as well as Council’s strategic commitment to Environmental Responsibility and Livability.  

    A consultation process to guide the development of a Concept Plan for the subject property began in the summer of 2022.  The Phase One community engagement included a guided site tour and charrette workshop to gather input from community members and representatives from other interested parties (the Phase One Engagement Summary can be found in the documents section) and resulted in the creation of a Draft Park Avenue Concept Plan.

     At its regular meeting held 2023-Jun-19, the following motion was passed by City Council: “That Council receive the Draft Park Avenue Concept Plan – 933 Park Avenue (Draft – June 2023) and direct Staff to add a fifth option to keep the property intact without any affordable housing on it and proceed with a Phase Two public review and input process.”

     A Phase Two public engagement process to obtain input on the five land use options for the draft Park Avenue Concept Plan was completed in October, 2023 (the Phase Two Engagement Summary can be found in the documents section).

     Staff are currently seeking Council direction on a preferred land use option for 933 Park Avenue, and are preparing a report for Council consideration in December.

    On December 18, 2023, staff presented a report to Council seeking direction on a preferred land use option before updating the Park Avenue Concept Plan. Council was also given an overview of Phase Two engagement results. The staff report and Council meeting can be found above.

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