933 Park Avenue Concept Plan

On January 20, 2025, Council endorsed the 933 Park Avenue Concept Plan. The 933 Park Avenue Concept Plan represents the community’s collective vision for how the land will be developed and enjoyed over time. Key features of the plan include opening the site up to the public with a trail system and improved public access for all modes of transportation along Park Avenue. A soft surface trail and boardwalk with educational signage and seating weaves through the park connecting Boardwalk Avenue and Allies Place. A gathering area and nature play area are proposed to be located in the centre of the parcel. The western portion of the property includes two potential urban agriculture areas nestled on either side of the wetland and connected by a boardwalk with view deck, signage, and benches.  A potential future road is anticipated along the northern half of the property to improve future neighborhood connectivity.

Thank you to everyone who help create the concept plan!

Implementing the Plan

A number of implementation actions are identified in the Concept Plan.  Most actions will be brought forward in future capital planning processes.  Some programmatic and maintenance actions will also be conducted under future operational activities. Staff will work towards implementing the 933 Park Avenue Concept Plan in the coming years for long-term public enjoyment. 



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