REIMAGINE NANAIMO represents an engagement process that involved thousands of inputs from the community, interested and affected agencies and organizations including government-to-government engagement with Snuneymuxw First Nation. City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined, the City’s strategic planning document for the coming 25 years, is a result of that engagement process.


Adopted on July 4, 2022, City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined is a comprehensive approach to community planning that goes beyond the minimum requirements of a standard Official Community Plan under the Local Government Act. This document serves as the City's Official Community Plan (OCP); Parks, Recreation, Culture and Wellness Plan; Transportation Plan; Activity Mobility Plan; Climate Action and Resiliency Plan; and, Accessibility and Inclusion Plan. For more information, visit the City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined Project Page.

Implementation of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined is supported by two key documents, an Integrated Action Plan and a Monitoring Strategy. See below for more information.


Endorsed by the Governance and Priority Committee on June 26th, 2023, the Integrated Action Plan is a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined that brings together the many short, ongoing, and long term actions the City may consider. The Integrated Action Plan represents a new approach for the City, that brings together the directions of planning efforts by all City Departments, and actions from City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined into a comprehensive “library of actions” so they can be reviewed and considered together.  The Plan’s purpose is to support the City’s commitment to integration and interdepartmental communication, with the goal of leveraging opportunity, investing efficiently and equitably, and maximizing community benefit through City actions. For more information, visit the Integrated Action Plan Project Page.


The Monitoring Strategy is a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined, that will outline key indicators that provide meaningful, holistic insights on progress towards the City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined goals. Key indicators are those that can be tracked regularly and consistently. While the City does, and will continue to monitor many supporting statistics through various processes, the focus of the Monitoring Strategy is to work together to regularly monitor a manageable selection of key indicators related to the Five City Goals and Land Use policies. The Five City Goals include: A Green Nanaimo; A Connected Nanaimo; A Healthy Nanaimo; An Empowered Nanaimo; and A Prosperous Nanaimo. For more information, visit the Monitoring Strategy Project Page

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