Terminal Avenue Upgrades

Terminal Avenue Upgrades

Terminal Avenue is an important gateway to Nanaimo’s downtown core. Over a number of years, community consultation efforts have consistently highlighted the need for redevelopment along Terminal Avenue. Building off the “Terminal-Nicol Re-imagined” document (a grassroots effort to develop a planning document to push forward the redevelopment of Terminal Avenue) the City is taking steps to create a cohesive vision for a vibrant, thriving downtown Nanaimo. 


Terminal Avenue Phase 1 has started!

Windley Contracting Ltd., working for the City of Nanaimo, is scheduled to begin construction in your area beginning in July 2023 with completion expected in late Spring 2024.

A detailed site plan of the improvements can be found below:

Terminal Site Plan


  • Progress

    News Release June 20: Council gives green light to Terminal Avenue Upgrade Project

    Phase 1 - Esplanade to Commercial Street

    Phase 1 of the Terminal Avenue Upgrades project is moving ahead and is expected to start construction in July 4, 2023. In addition to required utility upgrades, this phase will seek to accomplish an enhanced pedestrian experience, improve crossing facilities at Commercial Street, Gordon Street and Esplanade and resurface the vehicle lanes.

    Terminal Avenue Looking North

    Proposed Terminal Upgrades - Looking NorthTerminal Avenue Looking South

      Proposed Terminal Upgrades - Looking South

    Italian Square Park and Pioneer Park

    Due to concerns for public safety the City fenced Italian Square Park from public use March 2021, and Pioneer Square Park in August 2021. Both parks have remained closed since then, with the intention reopening the parks as a gateway feature into downtown. 

    With both Pioneer Square Park and the Italian Square Park being adjacent to the limits of the Terminal Avenue Upgrades Phase 1 Project, there is an opportunity to incorporate both parks into the overall vision for the corridor, which is to provide a more human-scale experience. 

    Italian Square Park presents an opportunity to be visually appealing from Terminal and provide a pleasant pedestrian gateway into the Nanaimo Casino and Port Place Mall.

    By pushing the sidewalk, complete with pedestrian scale lighting, around the north side of the Fountain and adding mounded plantings, the new installations will effectively frame the fountain for the traveling public. Further, having the northbound terminal rapid bus bay utilize the same space will activate the area and give passengers comfortable access to the Port Place Mall.

    Italian Square Park

    Italian Square Park - Looking South 

    Pioneer Square Park presents an excellent opportunity to provide a gateway to the downtown core, one of the goals determined in the Terminal-Nicol Reimagined Engagement.  Proposed Pioneer Square Park Improvements generally consist of:

    • Removal of the sidewalk along Terminal Avenue, instead connecting pedestrians to the sidewalk on Victoria Crescent
    • Planting of perennial shrubs as a gateway feature
    • Shifting of the sidewalk away from the business frontage

    Pioneer Park Looking South

    Pioneer Park - Looking South

    Terminal Avenue Phases 2 & 3 (Commercial Street to Wentworth Street & Wentworth Street to Stewart Avenue)

    These phases will undergo a functional design study in 2023 and be divided into detailed design assignments with construction target in subsequent years.


  • Documents
  • Details

    Terminal Avenue Project FAQ

    Q1: What are the projects being considered along Terminal Avenue from Esplanade to Commercial Street?

    Concepts for physical improvements are under development, in concert with Nanaimo’s partner agencies, for the following areas:

    • Terminal Avenue, from Esplanade to Commercial – pedestrian-scale improvements and road repaving
    • Concept development of an attractive public space or plaza on the site of the former Jean Burns building, including this block of Commercial
    • Upgrades to the Albert/Victoria/Wallace intersection
    • Development of the Albert St cycle route to and through the downtown
    • Potential to incorporate a transit hub between Terminal and Shaw Lane (south of the Jean Burns site)

    Q2: Why did the City purchase the properties on the 500 block of Terminal Avenue?

    Council is taking the following actions for a cohesive, thriving, livable downtown:

    • Through a series of steps, Council has acquired several key properties on the west (south) side of the 500 Block of Terminal, between Commercial and Esplanade. (The former Jean Burns building along with the print shop and tattoo shop).
    • Council’s intention is to use the important corner of Commercial & Terminal to create a multi use development and encourage other development throughout the corridor, and spark excitement in ensuring downtown remains vibrant and thriving. 

    Q3: What is being done for safety, specifically at night?

    • All spaces and modes will be considered and planned using Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED ) principles and best-practices for safe and comfortable public space.
    • Upgraded lighting will be integrated along Terminal Avenue and within the parks to increase visibility for cars, buses, cyclists, and pedestrians 

    Q4: Is a transit exchange being planned for this location?

    The City is exploring the potential to incorporate a transit hub between Terminal and Shaw Lane.  As the Terminal Avenue Upgrades Project is already scheduled for 2023, pursuing the exchange at this location will allow for possible implementation within the next two to three years.

  • Background

    Terminal Nicol Reimagined - Esplanade to Comox Road

    Terminal Nicol Re-imagined (2016): Esplanade to Comox Road Concept Plan

    Port Place Mall Entrance from Terminal Nicol Re-imaginedTerminal Nicol Re-imagined (2016): Port Place Mall Concept

    Downtown Urban Design Plan and Guidelines 2008

    Downtown Urban Design Plan and Guidelines (2008)

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