February 1, 2021 Regular Council Summary

Presentation to Council

Dr. Sandra Allison, Medical Health Officer, Central Vancouver Island Region, Island Health
Dr. Sandra Allison, Medical Health Officer, Central Vancouver Island Region, Island Health, introduced herself to Council.
Section 8 a

Consent Items

Consent Items group discussion points that have been thoroughly discussed at a Committee level into a single area on the agenda labeled “Consent Items.” This procedure allows decision-makers to group consent items together under one heading and approve them in one action or to consider and vote on each item separately if discussion is needed (for more information, please see Section 14 of the City’s Procedural Bylaw).

Finance and Audit Committee 2021-JAN-20

Sustainable Procurement Policy and Procurement Policy Update
Council approved the revised Procurement Policy and the new Sustainable Procurement Policy. 
Section 10 a 1

2021 Social Planning Grant Recommendations
Council approved a total of $115,000 for the 2021 Social Planning Grant allocations:

2021 Community Vitality Grants
Organization Project Amount
Nanaimo Community Kitchens Society Cooking Kits for Families $7,000
Protection Island Lions Club Protection Island Neighbourhood Connections $2,900
Newcastle Community Association Illuminight $2,000
Nanaimo Region John Howard Society Clothing for Success $11,600
Old Age Pensioners Nanaimo Social Inclusion Program $1,500

2021 Social Response Grants
Organization Project Amount
AVI Health Centre Trans Wellness Program $35,000
Nanaimo Foodshare E.A.T. Everyone at the Table $25,000
Literacy Central Vancouver Island Word on the Street $30,000
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Community Program Development Grant - Nanaimo Science and Sustainability Society (NS3)
Council approved the request for a Community Program Development Grant in the amount of $3,500 to assist in funding the Science in the Park program from the Nanaimo Science and Sustainability Society (NS3).
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Proposed Bid for the 2026 BC Summer Games
Council recommended that the City of Nanaimo provide a bid to host the 2026 BC Summer Games and that an expenditure of $55,000 cash and $55,000 of in-kind be included in the 2026 budget if successful.
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Reports to Council

Animal Responsibility Bylaw, Associated Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw & Promise to Return to Council Policy
Animal Responsibility Bylaw
Council passed first, second and third readings for the “Animal Responsibility Bylaw 2021 NO. 7316” (To include provisions for animal welfare, control, licensing, duties of animal owners, penalties, and enforcement).

Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw
Council passed first, second and third readings for the “Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 2021 NO. 7041.02” (To add Animal Control Fees).

Promise to Return
Council approved the Animal Responsibility – Promise to Return Council Policy as attached to the February 1, 2021 report by the Deputy City Clerk.
Section 12 a

Development Permit Application No. DP1195 - 3500 Departure Bay Road
Purpose: A development permit application was received to allow the redevelopment of a single residential dwelling and site improvements partially within the watercourse setback at 3500 Departure Bay Road.

Council Outcome: Development Permit No. DP1195 was issued at 3500 Departure Bay Road.
Section 12 b

Development Permit Application No. DP1173 - 1421 Princess Royal Avenue
Purpose: A development permit application was received for a four-storey multi-family residential building with 16 dwelling units and under-the-building parking.

Council Outcome: Development Permit No. DP1173 was issued at 1421 Princess Royal Avenue.
Section 12 c

Development Permit Application No. DP1154 - 475 Stewart Avenue
Purpose: A development permit application was received for a four-storey multi-family residential building with six dwelling units.

Council Outcome: Development Permit No. DP1154 at 475 Stewart Avenue was defeated.
Section 12 d

RDN Duke Point Sewer Service Amendment Bylaw
Council gave consent, on behalf of the electors to the Regional District of Nanaimo’s adoption of "Duke Point Sewer Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1004.08, 2020".
Section 12 e

Economic Development Strategy and External Corporation Charter
Council endorsed the final Economic Development Strategy and the External Corporation Charter.

Staff will work with the Class B shareholders to prepare Letters of Incorporation and return to an upcoming meeting for Council approval.
Section 12 f

521 Hecate Street - Acceptance of Project Under "Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw 2018 No. 7261"
Council approved the Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement for a proposed 10-unit multi-family development at 521 Hecate Street.
Section 12 h


The following Bylaw was adopted:

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2020 No. 4500.171
"Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2020 No. 4500.171"  (To rezone 405 Rosehill Street from Single Dwelling Residential [R1] to Low Density Residential [R6]).
Section 13 a

Other Business

Councillor Armstrong Motion re: Reduction in Business Licence Fees for Liquor Primary Establishments
The 2021 business licence fee for liquor primary establishments will be reduced from $1,100 to $165.
Section 15 a

Councillor Hemmens Motion re: Memorandum of Understanding between Island Health and BC Housing and Timeline for the Implementation of a Situation Table
Staff have been directed to report back to Council with an update regarding the following:

  • Memorandum of Understanding between Island Health and BC Housing related to the Navigation Centre
  • Timeline of implementing a provincially funded Situation Table in the City of Nanaimo

Section 15 b

Councillor Bonner and Councillor Hemmens Motion re: Temporary Emergency Accommodation
Staff have been directed to prepare a report as quickly as possible outlining options for implementing a temporary emergency accommodation program, similar to the Cowichan Housing model, in Nanaimo and the report include:

  • The capital costs for 2-3 pilot locations and potential funding sources
  • The estimated monthly operation costs, potential funding sources, and potential operators
  • Any opportunities for community collaboration; and comment from appropriate city departments, the RCMP and community agencies

Section 15 c

February 1, 2021 Regular Council Meeting – agenda, documents and video
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